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RE: [ontolog] Welcome to new members

To: "'ontolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <ontolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Pawley, Victor" <victor.pawley@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 11:52:39 +1000
Message-id: <E79304C55185D41198DC0000E8968823044F3FF4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Provide a brief description of your background etc    (01)

Hi all.    (02)

Name: Victor Pawley    (03)

Organisation: (Australian) National Office for the Information Economy    (04)

Role: Working with Australian government and industry on a number of
projects to facilitate interoperability, including a pilot ebXMLrr and an
ebXML integration toolkit/module targeting small business software
community.    (05)

Ideas that you have for discussion topics: 
- Practical plans/strategies for promoting and rolling-out UBL to small
businesses and their support communities. How do we turn abstract B2B
concepts (eg. ontology, isomorphism) into a practical introduction for these
groups, to get them to make a substantial culture change?     (06)

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An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
at http://ontolog.cim3.org/forums/ontolog    (010)
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