From the ontological viewpoint, its quite opposite.
A human being is the total person including the
states of development as its temporal parts. An ovum impregnated, an embryo, a
fetus are just stages of an intrauterine development of a new individual.
The historical question, the most challenging issue
of the human ontology: what is the substance of the total person, his
identity - soul, spirit, thinking substance, genes, or something
Azamat Abdoullaev
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:53
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] An Ontology
Modeling Different Age Groups
From the viewpoint of
a fetus is not a human being, it is a part of a
human being
(the mother). After birth, it is a human being
(the newborn).
Dick McCullough Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done; mKE do enhance od
Real Intelligence done; knowledge := man do identify od existent
done; knowledge haspart proposition list;
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 1:12
Subject: *****SPAM***** Re:
[ontolog-forum] An Ontology Modeling Different Age Groups
Arranging human creatures into age groups,
infants (0 to 1), children (2 to 8), pre-teens (9 to 12), teens (13 to 19),
adults (over 19), is really based on characteristic biological
processes as well as on psychological changes.
The current classification mostly involves
physiologic processes: birth, crawling, no talk no walk; walk, speech;
puberty; from puberty to maturity, from maturity to death. Given
the geographical conditions and nurturing, the pace of child
development may differ.
Note the prenatal stage of fetus
(-0,9 to 0), started by conception of human creature, from embryo to
fetus to newborn, should have the same legal status as other stages of
human development. That means abortion, in a sense, is a sort
of killing of a human being by a human being.
Azamat Abdoullaev
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:20
Subject: [ontolog-forum] An Ontology
Modeling Different Age Groups
I am trying to
find an ontology/terminology which models different age groups of a
person: infant, teenage, adult etc. I looked at SNOMED-CT, and noticed how
a "Person" is categorized by age, but didn't really understand how "age"
is associated -- for example, is an 18-year old considered a
I would
appreciate your inputs.
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