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Re: [ontolog-forum] CCTONT work progress

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Adam Pease <adampease@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 12:50:06 -0700
Message-id: <>
Hi Peter,
   Since Entity is the top class of all things, the referent of the 
ContentBearingObject need not be a real world object.  It can be anything 
real or imagined.    (01)

ADam    (02)

At 12:48 PM 10/27/2004, Peter Denno wrote:
> > Monica J. Martin said:
> > * Code. Type: SymbolicString - This is not about brevity. It is
> >      about a consistent mechanism to type information in order to
> >      provide a baseline for representation.  May need further review.
>Agreed. I'm not sure equating Code Type with SymbolicString is sufficient.
>03-001 Code Type
>   "A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity
>    and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace
>    a definitive value or text of an Attribute together with
>    relevant supplementary information. Should not be used if the
>    character string identifies an instance of an Object Class or an
>    object in the real world, in which case the Identifier.  Type
>    should be used."
>Given what Monica said about a "consistent mechanism to type information" and
>the definition, I am guessing that the instances of Code Type are
>"adjectives" and some subset of the things that we (we = a NIST project) call
>ValueTypes (ValueType = a datatype whose identity is only known by its value.
>Numbers, then are ValueTypes, but Code Type doesn't include numbers). I'm
>also guessing that they have in mind a "bespoke datatype" -- Whereas a model
>has whatever you'd like as its UoD, the UoD of a datatype is, in some sense,
>the model itself.
>Whatever the case, I don't think equating Code Type with SymbolicString is
>sufficient, because the definition stipulates: "Should not be used if the
>character string identifies an instance of an Object Class or an object in
>the real world." But SymbolicString can identify a real world object:
>(subclass SymbolicString ContentBearingObject)
>      (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
>      (exists (?THING)
>          (represents ?OBJ ?THING)))
>(subrelation represents refers)
>(domain refers 1 Entity)
>(domain refers 2 Entity)
>... So that would seem to violate the CCT stipulation.
>I think Code Type is something like SymbolicString AND &%Attribute. That's 
>quite right though: it doesn't restrict the 2nd domain of represents to
>&%Abstract. Which is what I think is needed.
>(documentation attribute "(attribute ?OBJECT ?PROPERTY) means that ?PROPERTY
>is a Attribute of ?OBJECT. For example, (attribute MyLittleRedWagon Red).")
>(instance attribute AsymmetricRelation)
>(subrelation attribute property)
>(domain property 1 Entity)
>(domain property 2 Attribute)
>(documentation  Attribute "Qualities which we cannot or choose not to reify
>into subclasses of &%Object.")
>(subclass Attribute Abstract)
>(subclass Abstract Entity)
>(documentation Abstract "Properties or qualities as distinguished from any
>particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium.
>Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical
>objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular
>place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment.")
>Best Regards,
>- Peter
>Peter Denno
>National Institute of Standards and Technology,
>Manufacturing System Integration Division,
>100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8260             Tel: +1 301-975-3595
>Gaithersburg, MD, USA 20899-8260             FAX: +1 301-975-4694
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