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Re: [ontolog-forum] Self Interest Ontology

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Rich Cooper" <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 17:06:19 -0700
Message-id: <C00FA7DC153B4ED58C105EAB527D64FC@Gateway>

Here is a quote from Marcus Hutter which I think is an excellent definition of what it means to be an agent:


“”Solomonoff derived an optimal way of predicting

future data, given previous perceptions, provided the data is sampled from a computable probability distribution. AIXI extends this approach to an optimal decision making agent embedded in an unknown environment. The main idea is to replace the unknown environmental distribution μ in the Bellman equations by a suitably generalized universal Solomonoff distribution . The state space is the space of complete histories. AIXI is a universal theory without adjustable parameters, making no assumptions about the environment except that it is sampled from a computable distribution. From an algorithmic complexity perspective, the AIXI model generalizes optimal passive universal induction to the case of active agents.Solomonoff derived an optimal way of predicting future data, given previous perceptions, provided the data is sampled from a computable probability distribution. AIXI extends this approach to an optimal decision making agent embedded in an unknown environment. The main idea is to replace the unknown environmental distribution μ in the Bellman equations by a suitably generalized universal Solomonoff distribution _. The state space is the space of complete histories. AIXI is a universal theory without adjustable parameters, making no assumptions about the environment except that it is sampled from a computable distribution. From an algorithmic complexity perspective, the AIXImodel generalizes optimal passive universal induction to the case of active agents.”


Now that sounds like an implementable agent: an agent that could be emulated in software completely. 


In our emerging self interest ontology, I believe we can define an agent in one semantically precise sentence.  Perhaps the sentence :


“an agent pursues self interest as the agent herself defines it.”


will do the job.    


Then we need a decision making engine just like the one AIXI emulates, or perhaps other choices TBD. 


How is the plan doing so far? 


Suggestions, corrections, critiques, dialogs, whatever very much appreciated. 





Rich Cooper


Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com

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