On Wed, May 30, 2012 09:45, Rich Cooper wrote:
> John Sowa wrote: (01)
>> Anybody who has a small business knows that the
>> biggest enemy of small business is *not* the
>> government. It's big business. The regulations
>> that hurt small business were *not* written by
>> government, they were written by lobbyists for big
>> business who want to stamp out the competition. (02)
> I (a small business owner for decades) disagree.
> The government is every bit as involved in the
> corporate-government partnership. (03)
It's best to analyze the three branches of government separately.
Each has their own interests and own duties. (04)
John emphasizes that lobbyists enhance the perceived self-interest of
their corporations by writing (laws and) regulations to harm their
competition. (05)
> The lobbyists are simply one part of that partnership, paid by
> the large businesses to provide congressmen with
> excuses for their nefarious actions, both
> legislation and regulation. (06)
What is the self-interest of the Congressfolk? We can model their
two primary self-interests as being re-elected (if they want to stay
in Congress), and getting a good paying job once they leave Congress. (07)
Businesses cater to those interests by funding re-election campaigns and
proving future employment for Congressfolk who support their proposed
legislation. (08)
If you perceive a self-interest in Congressfolk performing nefarious
actions, what is that self-interest? (09)
Regulators, in the Executive Branch have a duty, and thus self-interest,
in seeing that the laws be faithfully executed. Laws have been instituted
and proposed so that they do not have a financial self-interest in assisting
one business over another. They are banned from accepting gratuities
from lobbyists, for example. Many laws have been proposed, and some
have passed, to restrict the revolving door of employment between
regulatory agencies and regulated firms for this reason. It is in the self-
interest of regulated firms that any such laws be as weak as possible. (010)
It would be interesting to model this interplay. (011)
-- doug (012)
> -Rich
> Sincerely,
> Rich Cooper
> EnglishLogicKernel.com
> Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
> 9 4 9 \ 5 2 5 - 5 7 1 2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of John F Sowa
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 6:50 AM
> To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Self Interest
> Ontology
> On 5/28/2012 8:30 AM, Mike Pool wrote:
>> He also summarily lumps Hayek in the same
> paragraph with __Rand__. That
>> is also a surprise to me. Too bad the article
> is so short. I would
>> like to have understood his objection to Hayek
> as well.
> Chomsky's primary objection to them is the same as
> anybody else in the
> middle class: self interest.
> Anybody who has a small business knows that the
> biggest enemy of small
> business is *not* the government. It's big
> business. The regulations
> that hurt small business were *not* written by
> government, they were
> written by lobbyists for big business who want to
> stamp out the competition.
> Don't think of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany as
> governments. They were
> oligarchies run by big bussinesses that stamp out
> all competition. Note
> that they achieved the goal of all corporations --
> give the stockholdera
> as little information as possible about what
> management is doing.
> That's the primary blindness in Rand and Hayek --
> also Ron Paul, who
> blindly admires both.
> In comparison to Ron Paul, I am a *true*
> Libertarian. I want freedom
> from big corporations who stick their hand in my
> wallet and my personal
> life at every turn.
> John
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