Dear John and Rich, (01)
Don't worry about my patience ... my intent is to keep the
signal-to-noise ratio high (because that will make this archived
collective body-of-knowledge much more valuable, than otherwise) with
respect to our Ontolog Charter (see: ). (02)
Even the most interesting discourse on, say, Astronomy, or for that
matter, Politics, would fall into the bucket labeled "noise" if we are
not careful! (03)
I wasn't trying to stop people discussing this at length, I was only
suggesting they take it off-line, or to a more appropriate forum. (04)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
Peter Yim
Co-convener, ONTOLOG
-- (05)
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Rich Cooper
<rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear John,
> Peter has lost patience with the “Self Interest Ontology” thread, so it
> looks like I have no more opportunity to discuss this at length.
> But for this last post, please see my response below,
> -Rich
> Sincerely,
> Rich Cooper
> Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
> 9 4 9 \ 5 2 5 - 5 7 1 2
>>> Anybody who has a small business knows that the
>>> biggest enemy of small business is*not* the
>>> government. It's big business. The regulations
>>> that hurt small business were *not* written by
>>> government, they were written by lobbyists for big
>>> business who want to stamp out the competition.
> RC
>> I (a small business owner for decades) disagree.
>> The government is every bit as involved in the
>> corporate-government partnership.
> But you're confusing cause & effect. The enemy of small business is big
> business. If you weaken the government, there will be a power vacuum.
> I disagree; at this time in history, it is the collusion of big businesses
> (especially NGOs and financial businesses at this time) with government that
> is the enemy of small business. Most small businesses provide products and
> services to big businesses, which are their customers and friends in those
> markets. Its when big business AND government get together to “regulate”
> markets for the benefit of big businesses in return for political support
> for the government elected class that small business is regulated or
> legislated out of economic existence.
> Both factions come into play to do the harm. Both are equally the cause,
> and both must be prevented from doing further harm if there is a way to do
> so, for our middle class citizens to continue to do well.
> And guess who will step in to fill that vacuum. It will not be small
> business, and it will not be free-spirited libertarians. As the Republicans
> Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft said, it will be "the Malefactors of
> Great Wealth".
> Teddy was right, but that is why the antitrust laws were passed way back
> when. Unfortunately, they are not enforced today, with the government
> having grown vastly larger since then. The “too big to fail” mantra IMHO
> means that any organization too big to fail should be broken down into
> smaller entities that can suffer consequences. Otherwise there is no free
> market. That is what the original antitrust laws were designed to do, but
> they are no longer effective today.
> Remember that it was the Republican Party that passed the anti-trust laws,
> and the two most vigorous enforcers of those laws were the Republicans TR &
> WHT. That was when the Republican Party was on the side of small business.
> John
> Verbally, they still are. But when you look at the legislation, for both
> parties, it works out in favor of limiting competition so that only the big
> businesses have economic footing to prosper. It isn’t stated that way of
> course, but look at the effects of legislation on the population of small
> businesses versus changes in legislation. Consistently, though not in every
> case, small businesses are hurt by legislation.
> -Rich
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