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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontologiesassocialmediators(was:Ontologydevelopment

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Christopher Spottiswoode" <cms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 15:40:12 +0200
Message-id: <3F944A83FBBE4D9299D2FE09543C98EA@Dev>
Rich, you're such an incorrible generalizer that I'll gratefully 
respond in kind:    (01)

Sure, it is a wielding of institutional or at least rhetorical 
power to bring down the gavel on further debate.  (And even the 
effective wielding of rhetoric takes place in a way which tends to 
be institutionally guaranteed these days.)  As Bill Burkett 
commented earlier in this thread, Rousseau's concept of social 
contract comes to mind.  That further reminds us moderns of such 
words as consensus, operationalism, and EDI Agreements.  All 
clichés from present mainstreams, of course.    (02)

And they remind me of that classically reassuring but too often 
frustrating Charybdian figtree syndrome as I introduced it most 
recently in this paragraph: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2009-10/msg00269.html#nid013 .    (03)

My first web page on this whole subject, 
http://jeffsutherland.com/oopsla96/spottisw.html (which I am 
continually recalling to this list), had this paragraph on it:    (04)

> In the domain of Business Objects here are some interpretations 
> of those who are stuck on the Charybdian figtree:  suppliers of 
> working but monolithic packages, guardians of legacy 
> applications, enforcers of unduly elaborate standards. (Pin the 
> label on the one you love to hate!)    (05)

And that is a lead-in to my insistence, notwithstanding your 
dismissal of the term, that architecture has a clear role to play 
when it comes to designing application system components and 
composing products reusing them.    (06)

Certainly, I do insist that the whole WWW does have an 
architecture, and for all the spectacular success it has had, as 
an application architecture its replacement is long overdue.  But 
how might that be done?    (07)

Maybe together, we will put a market bootstrap product out there. 
(That, by the way, is the "tightly circumscribed project" 
introduced at the outset of http://TheMainstream.info.)  Then, 
surely together, because this is what the architecture was 
designed for, the market will start booting itself up, in due 
course to universal coverage, thanks to the philosophically 
(ontologically, epistemologically, ...) sound and general 
conceptual base.  Both boot and bootstrapping will be 100% 
according to "The Mainstream Architecture for Common Knowledge" as 
the market will progressively evolve it from its simple boot 
nature.    (08)

That seems incredibly glib.   In that 1996 web page I've cited 
above I put it this way (which, even though it then most 
explicitly targetted the OMG's OMA or Object Management 
Architecture, now applies equally to that more truly mythical or 
at least shambolically concocted Web application architecture):    (09)

> Difficult indeed! And reminded once more by Medawar's Dictum 
> (Theories are not displaced by facts, they are replaced by 
> better theories) I do not expect you to be convinced of the 
> technology until you can really see the alternative in action. 
> But maybe, somewhere, based on the broader picture presented 
> here, there will be some *readiness to take what at this stage 
> must seem to a newcomer like a gamble* [bold in the original], 
> together, we - and especially our users of all kinds - would get 
> safely to port sooner, in conclusion of this commonly-agreed 
> knowledge-modelling standards Odyssey.    (010)

I will leave for another time the many further parallels between 
the Homeric allegory, with its particular content and structure, 
and the "Ride The Mainstream!" project's strategy.  I'll just note 
here that it's somewhat to be expected that a strategy claiming to 
be based on "The Mainstream" should have had an antecedent into 
which was distilled the pre-Philosophy wisdom of nearly three 
millenia ago, the late Bronze Age.    (011)

But could Homer really have had in mind such an apparently modern 
idea as an institutionally-structured society?  In support of that 
bold notion let me introduce a 2005 book, The Rise of Bronze Age 
Society, by Kristiansen and Larssen, two of the world authorities 
on the subject.  The book is built around the thesis that Bronze 
Age society cannot be understood except from an institutional 
point of view.  (It is interesting also to note that their heading 
on p.1 is "Prologue:  between Scylla and Charybdis", referring to 
the formation of their decision to pursue that thesis!  In its 
first paragraph the authors relate that they "insisted stubbornly 
upon trying out an interdisciplinary, interpretive journey based 
on the identification of social institutions in the archeological 
record, and their transmission and transformation to different 
cultural and social environments.  More precisely:  in the Bronze 
Age.")    (012)

So, Rich, there I've generalized between some phenomena from the 
Bronze Age and your "homeostatically weighted vectors"!    (013)

Thanks for the stimulus...    (014)

Christopher    (015)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rich Cooper
To: '[ontolog-forum] '
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: 
method)    (016)

Hi Christopher,    (017)

My comments are interspersed below,
-Rich    (018)

Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com    (019)

From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Christopher Spottiswoode
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:57 AM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: 
method)    (020)

Rich, good point, but I'd prefer to take the users' word for it, 
at least provisionally, rather than that of compilers of thesauri. 
However "sophisticated" (scare quotes intended) thesauri have 
become, they remain of merely heuristic value.
Of Course.  Compilers and thesauri are figments of some group's 
collective imagination based on their perceptions of the terminal 
concepts.  But everyone votes who can concept now.  Those shared 
concepts are terminal nodes.  Everything else is conjecture and 
refutation a la Popper.  Only the election winners are the 
selected ones for this transaction, however complex.    (021)

Either way, architecture must involve systematic recognition of 
the openness of such questions, and offer a maximally informed and 
democratic approach to discover, negotiate and resolve any such 
context-dependent issues.    (022)

Actually, "architecture" is a mythological beast (like the 
unicorn) which balances the homeostatically weighted vector of 
health (good) against the perceived homeostatic correction vector 
of the unique interests of the maximally defensive controllers of 
the architecture (bad).  With none (all are bad), the balance is 
0.  With all (all are good), the balance is 1.    (023)

Sure, that fine ideal is less applicable to more batch-mode 
requirements such as MT or other NL corpus analyses.  But I think 
we are talking in this thread rather of the design of ontologies, 
and cultivating commitment to them.    (024)

Christopher    (025)

Personally, I consider any commitments to be temporary and 
mereological in time and sequence from the context in which they 
are expressed.  So casting conception types to this list (or any 
other destination) is mereological if legitimate in its 
subdivision methods.    (026)

-Rich    (027)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rich Cooper
To: '[ontolog-forum] '
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: 
method)    (028)

Christopher Spottiswoode wrote:
I might add that I have always valued appropriateness of
concept over any kind of merely statistical connection.    (029)

If even concepts (per se) are unique (like synsets) then isn't the 
statistical spectrum of conceptional distribution (like WordNet 
synsets) also ordered and unique in terms of some conceptional 
identifier over a vocabulary (of said conceptions and synsets)?    (030)

-Rich    (031)

Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com    (032)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Christopher Spottiswoode
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 12:26 PM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: 
method)    (033)

Hmmm, Ferenc, maybe some words of warning for now:    (034)

In my last paragraph below I noted the further potential for data
mining, but that is only a very minor part of what I mean by
top-down/bottom-up processes.  Worse, perhaps, from your point of
view, it is not where the main qualitative impact will be from the
spread of MACK.  At risk of causing further confusion at this
stage, I might add that I have always valued appropriateness of
concept over any kind of merely statistical connection.    (035)

But I still eagerly look forward to the outcome your synchronizing
processes!    (036)

Christopher    (037)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "FERENC KOVACS" <f.kovacs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: Re:
method)    (038)

Chris, I think I should try to synchronize with you as many of
presented I share but call a different name.
Will elaborate on that soon.
Thanks a lot
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Spottiswoode" <cms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum]
Ontologiesassocialmediators(was:Ontologydevelopment method)    (039)

> Ferenc, thanks for all the further good comment.
>> I believe the big issue is how to connect common knowledge of
>> whatever representation since we seem to have a narrow
>> bandwidth
>> of keeping track of long sequences of information.
> Levels of abstraction are the basis of MACK's systematic
> approach
> to that problem, particularly how they fit in with the "join"
> concept as I introduced it from this point
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2008-03/msg00249.html#nid039
> in the 3rd instalment of my "MACK basics" series.  "Composition"
> is another name often used for it, but I prefer the graphic or
> word with its RDB meaning and associations.
> A more immediately relevant aspect is in this paragraph from a
> slightly later post by me:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2008-03/msg00254.html#nid019.
> (But don't follow up now on the unfulfilled promise in its last
> sentence!)
> Another major approach to your problem, so central as the
> problem
> is, concerns what I hesitantly call its UDDI- or WSDL-like
> functionality, as part of the whole market scene.  I say
> "hesitantly" because (1) those specific facilities/languages are
> far from being great advertisements for any concept, (2) their
> notion of component architecture needs throwing out, lock, stock
> and barrel, and, more centrally, (3) their conception of the
> nature of the market is not pitched right from epistemological
> or
> ontological points of view.  (Sorry not to go into more detail
> on
> that now!)
> To generalize, though, it is the integration of the market and
> component aspects of MACK as a philosophically-founded
> architecture which will bring about the foreseeable quantum leap
> of intuitive and agile functionality over those of traditional
> Web
> Search and Web Services.
>> It is not by chance for example that a forum on cognitive
>> linguisics cals for papers on the relations between cognitive
>> systems, their modular nature and interfaces. Therefore
>> products
>> that help connect various modalities of knowledge
>> representations, even befote they are structured at an
>> elementary level seem to be a winner: http://prezi.com/
> Google |metaset artificial creativity| to be pointed to my
> reluctant but still chosen use of a controversial phrase in the
> past.  (Follow my 2 links above to see how I also refer to it as
> "Koestler creativity".)
> But Ferenc, you seem to have a background in data mining, so you
> will surely love this forthcoming platform, and how it will help
> expedite the whole top-down/bottom-up process of creative
> discovery and invention!
> Christopher
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