Hmmm, Ferenc, maybe some words of warning for now: (01)
In my last paragraph below I noted the further potential for data
mining, but that is only a very minor part of what I mean by
top-down/bottom-up processes. Worse, perhaps, from your point of
view, it is not where the main qualitative impact will be from the
spread of MACK. At risk of causing further confusion at this
stage, I might add that I have always valued appropriateness of
concept over any kind of merely statistical connection. (02)
But I still eagerly look forward to the outcome your synchronizing
processes! (03)
Christopher (04)
----- Original Message -----
From: "FERENC KOVACS" <f.kovacs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: Re:
method) (05)
Chris, I think I should try to synchronize with you as many of
presented I share but call a different name.
Will elaborate on that soon.
Thanks a lot
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Spottiswoode" <cms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum]
Ontologiesassocialmediators(was:Ontologydevelopment method) (06)
> Ferenc, thanks for all the further good comment.
>> I believe the big issue is how to connect common knowledge of
>> whatever representation since we seem to have a narrow
>> bandwidth
>> of keeping track of long sequences of information.
> Levels of abstraction are the basis of MACK's systematic
> approach
> to that problem, particularly how they fit in with the "join"
> concept as I introduced it from this point
> in the 3rd instalment of my "MACK basics" series. "Composition"
> is another name often used for it, but I prefer the graphic or
> word with its RDB meaning and associations.
> A more immediately relevant aspect is in this paragraph from a
> slightly later post by me:
> (But don't follow up now on the unfulfilled promise in its last
> sentence!)
> Another major approach to your problem, so central as the
> problem
> is, concerns what I hesitantly call its UDDI- or WSDL-like
> functionality, as part of the whole market scene. I say
> "hesitantly" because (1) those specific facilities/languages are
> far from being great advertisements for any concept, (2) their
> notion of component architecture needs throwing out, lock, stock
> and barrel, and, more centrally, (3) their conception of the
> nature of the market is not pitched right from epistemological
> or
> ontological points of view. (Sorry not to go into more detail
> on
> that now!)
> To generalize, though, it is the integration of the market and
> component aspects of MACK as a philosophically-founded
> architecture which will bring about the foreseeable quantum leap
> of intuitive and agile functionality over those of traditional
> Web
> Search and Web Services.
>> It is not by chance for example that a forum on cognitive
>> linguisics cals for papers on the relations between cognitive
>> systems, their modular nature and interfaces. Therefore
>> products
>> that help connect various modalities of knowledge
>> representations, even befote they are structured at an
>> elementary level seem to be a winner:
> Google |metaset artificial creativity| to be pointed to my
> reluctant but still chosen use of a controversial phrase in the
> past. (Follow my 2 links above to see how I also refer to it as
> "Koestler creativity".)
> But Ferenc, you seem to have a background in data mining, so you
> will surely love this forthcoming platform, and how it will help
> expedite the whole top-down/bottom-up process of creative
> discovery and invention!
> Christopher
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