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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontologies as socialmediators(was:Ontologydevelopmen

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "FERENC KOVACS" <f.kovacs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 15:24:19 -0000
Message-id: <9DC673D2A10A4282A4113FE55E0675F9@Swindon>
I believe the big issue is how to connect common knowledge of whatever 
representation since we seem to have a narrow bandwidth of keeping track of 
long sequences of information. It is not by chance for example that a forum 
on cognitive linguisics cals for papers on the relations between cognitive 
systems, their modular nature and interfaces. Therefore products that help 
connect various modalities of knowledge representations, even befote they 
are structured at an elementary level seem to be a winner: http://prezi.com/
Ferenc    (01)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Spottiswoode" <cms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <paoladimaio10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "[ontolog-forum] " 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontologies as 
socialmediators(was:Ontologydevelopment method)    (02)

> Paola,
> You had wondered:
>> RE. Koestler
>> I read (and cited) excerpts from the Ghost in the Machine, was
>> not aware of the book you mention below
>> but since looking it up it looks he wrote a lot of stuff ,
>> wonder how difficult its going to be to get hold of these books
>> in the library
> Good libraries should have it.  It's certainly read in at least
> some relevant quarters.  Alan Kay in his keynote address at
> OOPSLA'97 devoted a lot of attention to Koestler and his notion of
> bisociation.
> In my OOPSLA'96 workshop paper,
> http://jeffsutherland.com/oopsla96/spottisw.html, I had already
> acknowledged my debt to Koestler, so I was most happy that the
> inventor of windowing systems.should also find bisociation
> relevant.  Cf. my last sentence of the paragraph concerned in the
> post you were responding to:
>>> Hence the MACK notion of 'context', which involves an
>>> ever-changing or kaleidoscopic new light on the particular
>>> given and basic facts of the situation, with an intuitiveness
>>> very similar to that of good multi-windowed applications.
> I hope you manage to lay your hands on the book, and thanks for
> agreeing it might be relevant to our common interests!
> Christopher
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