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Re: [ontolog-forum] Current Semantic Web Layer pizza (was ckae)

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Azamat" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 19:20:58 +0300
Message-id: <000c01c7f2fd$67fed4b0$010aa8c0@homepc>
You are too diplomatic, like a wise politician. It is good when one is 
politic and polite, but we try to do science here, questing after 
ontological truths, and thus must be truthful.
If to be so frank, I am inclined to agree with a confidential opinion of one 
of the architects of the SUO concept:
''...there are way too many people who just like to hear themselves talk, 
who consider themselves experts, who have no
experience in ontology, but feel compelled to participate in the 
discussion.''    (01)

Although being members, many good minds, capable to critically contribute, 
keep distance from any active debate. Instead, you have to read funny 
musings on silence in music, etc., served by the same folk.
It looks we need to radically upgrade the level of our discussions to meet 
the requirements of the OntoForum.
Or, I encourage to pay more attention to Jim's effort to renew the SUO's 
listing, which had made an essential contribution to the standard ontology 
subject, regardless PY is doing the best job possible.    (02)

Azamat Abdoullaev    (03)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Current Semantic Web Layer pizza (was ckae)    (04)

> Might I remind people that this thread started with a discussion
> of how the pieces of the SemWeb are related to ontology.
> John Cage's compositions are worth some discussion, but perhaps
> the amount spent so far has strayed a bit off topic.
> John    (05)

SUO Subscribers,    (06)

Here's a project that needs our help; and in turn, could provide
a user base for an upper ontology.    (07)

The Problem:  We all have lots of data, but it's all inconsistent and we
don't have control over it.    (08)

Current Efforts:    (09)

Microsoft Windows CardSpace (formerly InfoCard)(They don't need
our help.)    (010)

Higgins Project:
This is an open source effort.  'Higgins' comes from a
name of mouse.
Mission: To improve interoperability, privacy, and
security as well as empower users with more control over their personal
Higgins User-Centric Ontology
http://wiki.eclipse.org/Higgins_Ontology  Good start, but they need our
need and have welcomed it.  This message invites participation by all.
Please forward to others, who can subscribe by sending the message
SUBSCRIBE STANDARD-UPPER-ONTOLOGY to listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (011)

I propose we:    (012)

1. Brainstorm and recruit particiation via this list for a
couple weeks, then move to a new list to focus.    (013)

2. Review the current Higgins user-centric ontology
http://www.eclipse.org/higgins/ontologies/2006/higgins.owl and start
providing suggestions.    (014)

3. Develop strawman ontologies based on different upper
ontologies. Evalaute, compare, and provide results to the Higgins
project, which might decide to base later releases on an upper ontology.    (015)

If Higgins takes off, it could grow as fast as Myspace or
FaceBook, and of all the companies, organizations, and governments that
deal with these users, some will choose to use the same upper ontology.    (016)

This kicks of the brainstorming, so please post your thoughts.    (017)

Jim Schoening >
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