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Re: [ontolog-forum] the case for an open research group

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Carl Reed OGC Account" <creed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:55:17 -0700
Message-id: <019001c73a59$34891d50$6401a8c0@SusieandCarl>
Deborah -
Really interesting. Some more information. The OGC and NIBS/IAI have a memorandum of understanding. We (and our respective memberships) have been collaborating on a variety of issues related to BIM and IFC interoperability between the Building, CAD, and Geo domains. Considerable progress has been made at this more fundamental level. The current state of the work was demonstrated last month as part of the OGC Web Services 4 Interoperability initiative. I have attached a couple of slides that capture how IFC based content can be utilized and integrated with other geo content sources for use in decision support, in this case for emergency services. At this point, the work is more focused on getting the technical interoperability foundation solid with basic semantics being a component of this work.
The above efforts do not explicitly address making recommendations on ontologies that span and connect disciplines, but they are all steps in that direction and various dialogues have been happening regarding semantics and ontologies for creating a truly virtual as-built or to be built world.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] the case for an open research group

Thanks John and Carl.  I work with architectural specifications and typically use MasterFormat 2004, Uniformat II and sometimes OmniClass. I believe the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is the preferred standard used in between construction document standards and geographic standards such as OGC. Building Information Modelling (BIM) aims to interoperate with all the above some day in the future.

An ontology I am really looking for, or want to develop. is a method of mapping between sets of standards using time, location, and data's actual use. For example, say you had a museum in a standardized geographic location and the building is modeled in BIM, the real museum is in a country with a culture, the objects in the museum were made and interpreted by that culture for one reason or another at different points in time. Could virtual places also be made to apply real world standards such as OGC and IFC to organize the collection databases as well? Tell the story of places through their buildings and displayed objects using systems probably made for different purposes. Get the whole process into an easy language, an ontology, so curators and others who have data to share can place it where they think it belongs.

Any recommendations on ontologies made to span across and connect disciplines using each areas own sets of standards?

On 1/17/07, John A. Bateman <bateman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 1/15/07, Carl Reed OGC Account < creed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The reason I
>> ask is that there is a tremendous amount of standards work already done that
>> allows simple _expression_ of location. There is also an excellent standard
>> for expressing location and temporal location.

And for those who are looking for
more than the "simple _expression_ of location",
I refer newcomers to the pointers in the 'Spatial Ontology Baseline'
given at:


John Bateman

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Deborah MacPherson

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