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RE: Database and Ontologies [was-Re: [ontolog-forum] A problem]

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Roy Roebuck" <Roy.Roebuck@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 23:47:34 -0400
Message-id: <01D0D2792C55DD45A595E96333839C0E079644@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Perhaps we need what I have proposed for the past 24 years, one world 
information system, encompassing what is now called the web, semantic web, 
corporate networks, government networks, private networks, etc.  See 
http://www.one-world-is.com.     (01)

Roy    (02)

CommIT Enterprises, Inc.
Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Management, Security, and Knowledge    (03)

Roy Roebuck III
Senior Enterprise Architect 
2231 Crystal Drive, Ste 501
Arlingon, VA 22202 
+1 (703)-598-2351
+1 (703) 486-5540
+1 (703) 486-5506 
Add me to your address book...

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:50 PM
To: [ontolog-forum] 
Subject: Re: Database and Ontologies [was-Re: [ontolog-forum] A problem]    (05)

Several years ago at an eGov conference in Washington, DC, Larry Ellison
(being Larry Ellison) made the intentionally provocative statement:  "We
sell databases and you (government agencies) are buying too many of them."    (06)

His argument was that we should be implementing *larger* databases --
Oracle databases, of course.    (07)

However, I would take his argument one step further to suggest that we only
need ONE "database", i.e., the Web populated with valid XML instance
documents.    (08)

Needless to say, I too am overstating the case to be provocative.  However,
I do believe there is much truth in my argument.    (09)

Owen Ambur
Co-Chair, xmlCoP  http://xml.gov/
Project Manager, ET.gov  http://et.gov/    (010)

             "Peter P. Yim"                                                
             om>                                                        To 
             Sent by:                  "[ontolog-forum]"                   
             ontolog-forum-bou         <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    
             nces@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                          cc 
                                       Database and Ontologies [was-Re:    
             08/15/2006 11:25          [ontolog-forum] A problem]          
             AM                                                                (011)

             Please respond to                                             
              tolog.cim3.net>                                                  (012)

Thank you for the post, Tanya.    (013)

1. Problem with registration: I'll try to resolve this with you
offline.    (014)

2. Database and Ontologies:    (015)

 > [TM] I am very interested to participate in discussions and
 > research about merging databases and ontologies, bringing
 > database practices to ontological development and other
 > issues related to databases and ontologies.    (016)

[ppy] presumably, (almost) anything related to ontologies would
be within scope for us at Ontolog. Obviously how database and
ontologies relate to each other in the next generation
semantic/knowledge-based applications would be an area well worth
  delving into.    (017)

Let's find out who else is interested ... ANYONE?
Like what Tatiana has done here, if anyone is interested or
working in this area, please indicate by responding to this
thread, and suggest what you want to see and/or what you can
bring to the table, as far as this topic is concerned.    (018)

... Being a community of practice (ref:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CommunityofPractice) this
topic will get addressed if there is adequate interest and energy
behind it from the community.    (019)

Thanks you for highlighting this important topic, Tanya.    (020)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (021)

Tatiana Malyuta wrote Mon, 14 Aug 2006 16:51:30 -0400:
> Peter,
> I am terribly sorry to bother you with such silly things. I wanted to
> participate in the conference calls and many times tried to register at
> the site that is in the bottom of your invitation emails. However, I
> failed to do so. I emailed the Customer Support of the site, but haven't
> recieved any response. That is why I haven't participated and did not
> respond to the invitations.
> Maybe you could tell me what possibly I am doing wrong.
> In general, I am very interested to participate in discussions and
> research about merging databases and ontologies, bringing database
> practices to ontological development and other issues related to
> databases and ontologies. Can you direct my here? Please disregard if
> you are not involved with this.
> Sorry again and thank you,
> Tanya
> P.S. Please disregard the previous email--I hit Enter by mistake. Sorry.    (022)

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