On 9/11/13 10:26 AM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -
On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
<#comment> """The term
'zip code' is the US term for 'postal code' for which it
is a subtype.""" ;
Depends... if it's been so defined.
You're an international citizen... surely you've noticed that
geography isn't an American cubical dweller's strong suit.
One of the major challenges of legacy system is the linguist
context or perspective was either never well defined &
certainly lost & seriously mangled over the decades.
Yes, which is why being able express and share one's world views
using notations such as Turtle is part of the solution. My Turtle
example demonstrates a shorthand for long-form sentences that
describe a particular world view. For instance, loading my Turtle
transcriptions into a DBMS (ideally with deductive prowess) or other
apps, will ultimately aid and reshape how we deal with data
integration challenges.
I had a conversation with someone in California who thought
Canada is a foreign market. I should have asked him if he
thought Ohio was a foreign country.
McDonald's even showcase this reality in their recent ad that
concludes with the question "what's Connecticut?" [1] .
David Eddy
Babson Park, MA
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Kingsley Idehen
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