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Re: [ontolog-forum] ONTOLOG community event planning and scheduling sess

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:22:44 -0400
Message-id: <522F1D24.6000409@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/10/13 9:08 AM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -

On Sep 10, 2013, at 8:57 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

- Assembler
- IMS (how many sub languages in & around a 40 year-old IMS application?)
- ETC (an HTML-like document composition language from Applied Data Research)
- ??? report writer.

To what degree (if any) are the items above loosely coupled with data? 


I do not understand the question.

Slightly switching metaphors here... I would somewhat loosely couple the machine tools (e.g. software languages) with the materials (data) the tools process.  Rather like taking a sheet of metal, running it through multiple steps that drill holes & bend shapes & output a car door.

You answered the question, in a different way. You comments reflect the point I was trying to extract i.e., software languages are tools and data is like material.

How many languages are there in a SW application?  RDF, OWL, SPARQL, ???

With regards to the items above, loose coupling with data has been generally overlooked in most associated narratives. Net effect, a lot of totally avoidable confusion and many unnecessary wars, at a variety of levels.

We just need logic, data, and applications to be loosely coupled. Remember,  history has shown that conflating the aforementioned items always fails :-)

Theory like that is all nice & good, but often doesn't play well in the real world.

Real-world antics (in the software industry) have turned what could be demonstrably factual into a theory, sadly.

What happens when the logic, data, and applications are NOT loosely coupled?

You end up with the kinds of problems associated with RDF as magnified by RDF/XML i.e., tail wagging the dog. Basically, when data representation formats determine the existence of non existence of semantics.

We ended up in this mess when Semantics and RDF/XML were conflated, via a broken narrative. Attempts to fix this problem having been in process for many years now.

In the process of producing & delivering software it is totally typically specifications to be lacking & the product delivered to not well serve the now changed, or better understood business needs.

End users tend to be devilishly clever... how about if we put "TTE" in the title of the customer line to indicate "trustee" and then run extracts pulling out TTE records for special processing.

Is that what is called fixed coupling... the direct opposite of "loose coupling?"

More to do with you example re. tools and materials. Ditto, my reference to conflating RDF/XML and Semantics.

On that note, I think I'll try to remember to inject the "MVC"—why isn't that VCM?—jargon into conversations & see what the response is.

I have to assume the MVC paradigm is absent from the vast majority of Systems of Record systems in use in the Fortune 500.

Personally, Views, Controls, and Models works fine for me :-)


David Eddy
Babson Park, MA


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Kingsley Idehen	      
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