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Re: [ontolog-forum] ONTOLOG community event planning and scheduling sess

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:52:16 -0400
Message-id: <5231C710.3000303@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/12/13 9:33 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 9/11/2013 10:48 PM, Juan Sequeda wrote:
>> If you consider RDBMSs legacy systems, then we have the W3C RDB2RDF
>> standards: Direct Mapping and R2RML, to bridge RDBMSs with the Semantic Web
> Points to remember:
>    1. RDBMSes are definitely *not* legacy systems.  They run the world
>       economy today, and they'll continue running it for another 40 years.    (01)

Yes.    (02)

>    2. RDB2RDF and Direct Mapping are throwbacks to ancient times of batch
>       processing, and they only go in one direction.  They do *nothing*
>       for interoperability.  In fact, they are *worse* than nothing,
>       because they create an *illusion* of usefulness.    (03)

Not necessarily. For instance, we use the R2RML standard to bring 
portability to  Linked Data Views over SQL RDBMS data sources. Thus, if 
I make a Linked Data view over my SQL data sources (which are typically 
ODBC or JDBC accessible) I can share its definitions with others across: 
projects, departments, branches, divisions etc..    (04)

R2RML is really about portable declarative views for bridging SQL RDBMS 
hosted data with RDF based Linked Data. Sadly, this isn't the narrative 
that sticks out at first blush :-(    (05)

>    3. The term NoSQL originally meant "no" as in "not exists".  But it
>       quickly became an acronym for "Not only SQL".  Some of the most
>       efficient NoSQL systems use SQL as their primary query language,
>       but they implement SQL with new data structures and algorithms.    (06)

Yes, but what they are failing to do (the NoSQL and NewSQL folks) is 
deal with the issue of data-de-silo-fication via the use of HTTP based 
URIs as Super Keys. Thus, most end up being silo vectors in an era where 
the palpable pain is data integration across data spaces.    (07)

>    4. The major vendors of *commercial* SQL-based and RDF-based tools have
>       a far deeper and more successful understanding of interoperability:
>       They support *both* SQL and SPARQL, and they enable them to run
>       *concurrently* on the same data.
> Fundamental requirement:  Equal support for SQL and SPARQL.    (08)

Yes!    (09)

> Recommendation:  Adopt Datalog (or a typed version of Datalog) as
> the fundamental DB language, and specify the core of *both* SQL and
> SPARQL in terms of Datalog.  But each of them has idiosyncratic
> additions; they must be supported, but they should be deprecated.
> For further discussion of the issues, see the following article by
> Michael Stonebraker in the Communications of the ACM:
> http://www.labouseur.com/courses/db/Stonebraker-on-NoSQL-2011.pdf    (010)

Yes, but note, Stonebraker doesn't really touch the issue of 
data-de-silo-fication as an integral DBMS feature, which is the problem 
that really needs to be addressed. Data and Apps. (e.g., database 
management systems) need to be loosely coupled. The aforementioned 
decoupling is fundamental to any scalable data integration pursuit.    (011)

> The db directory of this website also contains other downloads that
> address related topics:
> http://www.labouseur.com/courses/db/
> John
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--     (013)

Regards,    (014)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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