On Tue, September 4, 2012 17:02, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 9/4/12 3:41 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
>> On Tue, September 4, 2012 12:34, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
... (01)
>>> I believe Data denotes Subject Observation.
>>> I believe all observations are comprised of:
>>> 1. a subject
>>> 2. subject attributes
>>> 3. subject attribute values. (02)
>> One common type of observation is that A is between B and C.
>> How would you express this with a single triple? 8)# (03)
> I would state that A is between B. A is Between C. Then I would define
> the semantics of the 'Between' predicate . (04)
Let's explore this:
(between 10 5 11)
(between 10 4 11)
(between 10 6 11)
(between 10 7 11))
Using the KI translator this becomes:
10 is between 5
10 is between 11
10 is between 4
10 is between 11
10 is between 6
10 is between 11
10 is between 7
10 is between 11. (05)
What semantics does the between predicate have? (06)
How about the quaternary predicate, isBetweenOnPath?
Can you express the following with triples: (07)
(isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I95)
(not (isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I495))) (08)
-- doug foxvog
> Kingsley
>> -- doug foxvog (09)
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