On Mon, September 3, 2012 11:48, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 9/3/12 10:02 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 02, 2012 at 10:43:22AM -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> Let's start with RDF, what is it actually?
>> [...]
>>> Its about the entity-attribute-value model enhanced with explicit
>>> semantics.
>> OK. (01)
>>> Yes! They decided that it was beneficial to
>>> conflate RDF and Linked Data, even though history provides ample
>>> evidence for the folly inherent in such thinking and execution
>>> strategy.
>> Aha. OK. (02)
>>> Linked Data is trying to achieve this goal. It isn't RDF syntax or
>>> serialization specific. Its basically the entity-attribute-value model
>>> enhanced with URIs and explicit semantics re. subject-predicate-object
>>> or entity-attribute-value. (03)
>> You said that "RDF is about the entity-attribute-value model enhanced
>> with
>> explicit semantics" and that RDF should not be conflated with Linked
>> Data and
>> now you say that Linked Data "is basically the entity-attribute-value
>> model
>> enhanced with URIs and explicit semantics". I don't get it. (04)
> Because you already get it. What I mean by that comment is the fact that
> you already understand what RDF actually is. (05)
I'm wondering if Kingsley gets Michael at this point. Michael is arguing
against "what RDF actually is". Yet Kingsley goes back to a syntax
discussion. (06)
> ... (07)
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data talks about "useful information
>> using
>> standard formats". This could be anything - for example 7-tuples with
>> implicit
>> semantics. I don't see why Linked Data should be about EAV and explicit
>> semantics and what the difference to RDF would be. (08)
> Note point #3 reads:
> Provide useful information about the thing when its URI is dereferenced,
> using standard formats such as RDF/XML. (09)
> Of course in reality, we have to decompose further and
> it should really mean: (010)
"should" ??? (011)
> Useful information == structured data (entity-attribute-value or RDF
> model constrained) (012)
Do you really think that only data using an RDF model is useful? How
can you equate the two? (013)
Here you say that the Linked Data description SHOULD be restricted to
the RDF model. The Linked Data description is NOT so narrow. (014)
This is what Michael is arguing against. This seems like the RDF
zealotry that Kingsley was criticizing elsewhere. (015)
> Formats: various, which means a variety of syntaxes and serialization
> formats for structured data. (016)
Structure does NOT require RDF structure. (017)
-- doug f (018)
>> Regards,
>> Michael Brunnbauer
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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