On 9/5/12 4:21 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
> Preview:
>>> Can you express the following with triples:
>>> (and
>>> (isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I95)
>>> (not (isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I495)))
>>> ?
>> I think we are now talking past ourselves.
> Does that mean no? (01)
As per earlier comments, you can express anything in triples. The issue
is that its ultimately going to be verbose and awkward. (02)
I made my comment above because we are veering away from the core issue
here re. legacy software accommodation and RDF etc.. (03)
> ========
> On Wed, September 5, 2012 07:22, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 9/5/12 12:02 AM, doug foxvog wrote:
>>> On Tue, September 4, 2012 17:02, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>>> On 9/4/12 3:41 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, September 4, 2012 12:34, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>>> I believe Data denotes Subject Observation.
>>>>>> I believe all observations are comprised of:
>>>>>> 1. a subject
>>>>>> 2. subject attributes
>>>>>> 3. subject attribute values.
>>> ...
>>>>> One common type of observation is that A is between B and C.
>>>>> How would you express this with a single triple? 8)#
>>>> I would state that A is between B. A is Between C. Then I would define
>>>> the semantics of the 'Between' predicate .
>>> !??
>>> Let's explore this:
>>> (and
>>> (between 10 5 11)
>>> (between 10 4 11)
>>> (between 10 6 11)
>>> (between 10 7 11))
>>> Using the KI translator this becomes:
>>> AND
>>> 10 is between 5
>>> 10 is between 11
>>> 10 is between 4
>>> 10 is between 11
>>> 10 is between 6
>>> 10 is between 11
>>> 10 is between 7
>>> 10 is between 11.
>>> What semantics does the between predicate have?
>> And that isn't what I was conveying to you.
> I'm sorry. I now (think i) understand that you understood my English
> description of a ternary relation as the conjunction of two binary
> relations. I agree that an alternate parse of
> "A is between B and C"
> could be:
> "A is between B AND A is between C".
> If i used "above" instead of "between", this would be appropriate.
> However, the semantics of "between" is that it designates some sort of
> figurative space, the boundaries of which are its two arguments.
> The sentence then means that a figurative space exists; that space is
> bounded by B and C and does not overlap them, and that A is figuratively
> located in that figurative space. Depending upon the common type
> of thing that A, B, and C are, the type of the figurative space is
> constrained.
> With this model you CAN model "A is between B and C" using triples
> relatively easily, as long as you also use a function:
> (locationOf A (BetweenFn B C))
>> Basically, at what point did
>> you indicate we where dealing with typed literals?
> I did not. I was using English, not a logical language. (04)
Yes, but this is typically the problem. Context is mercurial etc.. (05)
> This is immaterial to the point we were discussing.
>> You said A between B and B between C.
> I did not say "A between B and B between C". I said that a common type
> of observation is "A is between B and C". This is naturally a ternary
> relationship. I was providing it as a ternary relationship and asking how
> you would model it with binary relationships.
>> Why on earth should I assume A, B, and C are typed literals?
> You shouldn't. But what does that have to do with modeling using
> triples?
> I simplified things for you by only using a ternary relationship.
> Betweenness implies some sort of path. Using integers
> gave a default path. My next example uses spatial objects (which
> are instances of classes) instead of literals.
>> Just because you used the literal 'Between' in some kind of
>> fuzzy context?
>> RDF is pretty clear about the semantics for typed literals.
> So i expected you to know what i meant with one integer
> being between two other integers. (06)
Yes, of course, and these things are actually dealt with in our
products, but they are not what I see as the crux of the matter here. (07)
>>> How about the quaternary predicate, isBetweenOnPath?
>>> Can you express the following with triples:
>>> (and
>>> (isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I95)
>>> (not (isBetweenOnPath WashingtonDC Maryland Virginia I495)))
>> I think we are now talking past ourselves.
> Huh? This is what i was talking about from the beginning.
> Does that mean no? (08)
We are arguing (I think an hope) about the utility of 3-tuples vs
n-tuples as the basic foundation for expressing facts. I am vouching for
the simplicity of 3-tuples (maybe 4-tuples if the model theory is
standardized) as the base. That's my focus. The other stuff isn't
interesting to me since we already deal with these matters in our
products. I am more interested in something that isn't bound to any
particular product (mine included) or platform (mine included), it just
enables folks express and share facts, at Web-scale. (09)
>> If you have some alternative to RDF that works, just point me to it. I
>> think that's the best use of our respective time at this juncture.
> We have been discussing problems with existing implementations (e.g.,
> RDF) and the utility of less restrictive SW encoding languages. I have
> not been pushing an already implemented web scale solution. (010)
But I am trying to get you to present your alternative to RDF since you
believe its flawed. (011)
> Do i know current KIF, Cyc, or Prolog reasoners that operate efficiently
> at web scale? No. (012)
But I can demonstrate massively scaled RDF to you if need be, with
reasoning etc.. to boot. But its kinda beside the key point right now. (013)
> Do they require all terms to be represented by URIs?
> No.
Neither does RDF. (014)
Linked Data (which isn't RDF) does require de-referencable URIs and
specific indirection behavior. But again, these are separate threads of
discussion. (015)
> Could implementations that map between expressions in such
> languages and terms using URIs be created? Certainly.
> Can Cyc express the above type of statements and reason about them
> with thousands of assertions? Yes. The current OpenCyc could not
> handle billions of assertions, though. (016)
We handle 55 Billion+, but again, I don't think this thread is about me
showcasing all of that. (017)
> Can Prolog express the above type of statements and reason about them
> with thousands of assertions? Yes. I don't know what the limits are on
> current Prolog reasoners. (018)
They don't scale. That was part of the problem from the past. To make
them scale you need massive hardware setups. When I talk about 55
Billion triples, I am talking about commodity hardware and an 8-node
cluster. Pooled RAM set from the cluster is in the range of 384 GB. (019)
> I note that the "SICStus Prolog User’s Manual"
> (https://www.sncnw.se/sicstus/docs/latest4/pdf/sicstus.pdf)
> uses such constructs as examples:
> "connects(san_francisco, oakland, bart_train)."
> that can be reasoned with. My guess is that existing Prolog reasoners are
> more efficient than existing RDF reasoners. I may, of course, be wrong. (020)
Show me one that can work on a 1 Billion triples dataset let alone 55
Billion :-) (021)
> -- doug
>> Kingsley
>>> -- doug foxvog
>>> ...
>>>> Kingsley
>>>>> -- doug foxvog
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen
>> Founder & CEO
>> OpenLink Software
>> Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
>> Personal Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
>> Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
>> Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
>> LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen
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