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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology-based database integration

To: erick.antezana@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Adrian Walker <adriandwalker@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 12:10:55 -0400
Message-id: <1e89d6a40910230910x49908143id423a79728255378@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Eric,

You wrote..

 I have been trying to follow this thread (Ontology-based database
integration) so that I could find some pointers towards examples of
data that have been ("successfully") integrated using ontologies
and/or software solutions (e.g. DBMSs, integrated solutions such as
ONTOTEXT [1], ...). I am in particular interested in biological data
integration, nonetheless, having a few examples in any field would be
nice to have. Any suggestions?

You may be interested in the approach to data integration in:


www.reengineeringllc.com/EnergyIndependence1Video.htm  (Flash video with audio)

www.reengineeringllc.com/ibldrugdbdemo1.htm   (Flash video with audio)

Apologies if you have seen this before, and thanks for comments.

                                   -- Adrian
Internet Business Logic
A Wiki and SOA Endpoint for Executable Open Vocabulary English over SQL and RDF
Online at www.reengineeringllc.com    Shared use is free

Adrian Walker

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:00 AM, Erick Antezana <erick.antezana@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 I have been trying to follow this thread (Ontology-based database
integration) so that I could find some pointers towards examples of
data that have been ("successfully") integrated using ontologies
and/or software solutions (e.g. DBMSs, integrated solutions such as
ONTOTEXT [1], ...). I am in particular interested in biological data
integration, nonetheless, having a few examples in any field would be
nice to have. Any suggestions?

[1] http://www.ontotext.com/

2009/10/22 John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Rich,
> Wittgenstein was opening up a way of looking at language that was
> radically different from the way logicians and linguists had been
> thinking about it.
> RC> Is there a good reference you would recommend for describing
>  > the details of common linguistic games?  Anything automated that
>  > would identify games based on corpora?
> There has been a lot written, but there's no consensus, and
> no systematic software.  It's still an area where finding
> good paradigms is still an open-ended research problem.
> One point that I believe is significant is that Ludwig W. wrote
> his first book (which presented his views based on earlier
> reading and discussions with Frege and Russell).  After he
> published that, he decided to go teach elementary school
> in an Austrian mountain village.
> He didn't say much about the several years he spent teaching, but
> some of his later examples seem to be influenced by that time.
> On a somewhat related point, I recently came across the
> following story about how school children react to the
> "game" of solving arithmetic problems.
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Elart von Collani
> To: hans kuijper...
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 4:07 PM
> Subject: Re: UNCERTAINTY
> Dear Hans,
> the questions remind me of an experiment that was performed only
> recently in an elementary school in Germany.
> (http://www.focus.de/wissen/wissenschaft/talent/tid-15667/talent-8-macht-schule-auf-dauer-duemmer_aid_439869.html)
> The third year children had to answer the following questions:
> 1. A skipper is carrying 17 sheep and eleven goats on his boat. How old
> is the skipper?"
> 2. A 27 years old shepherd has 25 sheep and 10 goats. How old is the
> shepherd?
> 3. The class consists of 13 boys and 15 girls. How old is the teacher?
> All the children calculated seriously a result by adding and subtracting
> the given numbers, even for the second question that contains the
> explicit answer. The boy Sebastian was subsequently asked about his
> solutions. The following dialogue is reported:
> Sebastian: I know it. A 27 years old shepherd, then it is necessary to
> add the 25. And the 10 goats, they do not run away.
> Teacher: They do not run away?
> Sebastian: No, that's what I have written!
> Teacher: Because the goats don't run away?
> Sebastian: Yes.
> Teacher to Dennis: What is your opinion?
> Dennis: They run away! He does not look after them!
> Similar results were obtained in other studies. The authors conclude
> that the children consider mathematics as a kind of game with artificial
> rules that have no relation what so ever with reality. In an subsequent
> study the following dialogue was reported:
> Teacher: You have 10 pencils and 20 coloured pencils. How old are you?
> Julia: 30 years old!
> Teacher: But I guess you know very well that you are not 30 years old?
> Julia: Yes, but I am not to blame for that. You gave the wrong numbers!
> Warm regards from a cold but sunny Wuerzburg, yours Elart
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