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Re: [ontolog-forum] Next steps in using ontologies as standards

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Vasco Calais Pedro <vasco@xxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:26:05 -0600
Message-id: <FA6517FD-D76B-4895-92E5-BDEC689BF4D2@xxxxxxx>

On Jan 25, 2009, at 11:40 PM, Vasco Calais Pedro wrote:    (01)

>> a complete expression in L is uniquely determined by its *form*
>>   (i.e., syntax) without any consideration of any background
> ...
>> In this sense, Aristotle's syllogisms are formal, even though they
>> use a subset of the words and syntax of a natural language.  For
>> example, following is the *form* of the pattern named Barbara:
>>   Every A is a B.
>>   Every B is a C.
>>   Therefore, every A is a C.
>> When the letters A, B, and C are replaced by arbitrary common nouns,
>> the interpretation of the syllogism is uniquely determined --
>> provided that the middle term B is required to apply to exactly
>> the same individuals in both premises.
>> John Sowa
> By saying "provided X" aren't we introducing background knowledge? I.E
> aren't we considering background knowledge implicitly?    (02)

No. What we are doing by saying this is establishing a condition (for  
the syllogism to be valid) by stipulation. Background knowledge (not a  
very useful term) may be necessary to determine, in any particular  
case, whether this stipulated condition does in fact hold, just as it  
might be relevant in any question of meaning in natural language. But  
to repeat, calling everything "background" isn't a very helpful or  
strategy. For example, in your case:
> In the absurd we could say
> "Every lightning rod is a conductor"
> "Every conductor studied music"
> "Therefore, every lightning rod studied music"
> Aren't we introducing the background knowledge of the word  
> 'lightning rod'
> in determining why this is false?    (03)

knowing the meaning of words isn't usually referred to as "background  
knowledge"; more like foreground knowledge. Lexical disambiguation has  
a special role even in psycholinguistics: its performed by an  
autonomous 'module' in the brain, takes approximately 250  
milliseconds, and is not under conscious control or even conscious  
awareness.    (04)

PatH    (05)

> Vasco Calais Pedro
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