Hi, (01)
> 2) should someone be allowed to apply for a grant only after s/he becomes
> IAOA member? (02)
It's not fully clear to me which interpretation is intended for this
question, in connection with the question of requiring IAOA membership for
ISC-participation in general. What is meant here? (03)
2a) Should it be required for all grant applications to be made by current
or prospective IAOA members?
(In case of "no", an applicant would not need to become an IAOA member
in order to participate if s/he gets the grant.) (04)
2b) Should it be required that an applicant is already an IAOA member at the
time of application?
(In case of "no", an applicant need not be an IAOA member at the time of
application, but is required to become an IAOA member until some later time,
e.g., before the ISC starts or immediately after positive notification on
the grant.) (05)
Assuming that IAOA membership is required for participation, 2a) would be an
incoherent option (unless the membership fee becomes part of the grant),
while 2b) would be an open issue. (06)
If 2b) is intended, I would not see any problem to let successful applicants
register with IAOA after they are have been notified to get the grant,
provided that they register with IAOA. (07)
My views on the other questions: (08)
> 1) grants: in order to make a decision we need a deadline.
> Is a week before the end of the early registration period (that is, 8
> April) reasonable as deadline for grant application? (09)
Apr 8 sounds reasonable to me, in order for the applicants to have some days
to decide after a potentially negative grant notification whether they want
to participate for the early registration fee. (010)
> 3) the Executive Council suggests to keep the fee low even if this means
> to take some risk.
> Should we stick with the 150 (student) and 250 (regular) proposal? (011)
I cannot really assess the financial backup of IAOA in general. If there are
backup options, I'd keep the fee low to potentially raise the number of
participants a little further, although my personal guess on participant
numbers is closer to the cautious proposal (12 regular / 24 students) rather
than the first (15 regular / 30 students). (012)
Best regards,
Frank (013)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: iaoa-education-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:iaoa-education-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stefano Borgo
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:11 AM
> To: IAOA education
> Subject: [iaoa-education] decisions (urgent)
> Dear all,
> a few decisions for you to make:
> 1) grants: in order to make a decision we need a deadline.
> Is a week before the end of the early registration period (that is, 8
> April) reasonable as deadline for grant application?
> 2) should someone be allowed to apply for a grant only after s/he becomes
> IAOA member?
> 3) the Executive Council suggests to keep the fee low even if this means
> to take some risk.
> Should we stick with the 150 (student) and 250 (regular) proposal?
> Remember that today we will upload the new website. This information
> should be included.
> Cheers
> -Stefano and Claudio (014)
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