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Re: [iaoa-education] decisions (urgent)

To: IAOA Education Committee <iaoa-education@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Nicola Guarino <nicolguar@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 14:48:23 +0100
Message-id: <D7051B94-A254-492B-8ABC-C2195A491733@xxxxxxxxx>
Folks, perhaps it is because of my Italian (Sicilian) nature :-)…    (01)

but I would like to be flexible concerning point 2: as a rule, applicants 
should be IAOA members already. However, we could also accommodate cases where 
people apply for IAOA membership at the same time they apply for IAOA 
membership, or even afterwards, in exceptional cases… To me, the strict rule 
(which comes from law regulations) is that people can't attend IAOA events 
without being IAOA members. Between the application time and the attending time 
they have to regularize their position.    (02)

Anyway, this is just my opinion, I would not insist on the policy above.    (03)

Best,    (04)

Nicola    (05)

On 15 Mar 2012, at 14:37, Obrst, Leo J. wrote:    (06)

> All,
> Note that concerning keeping the fees low, the EC understands that our budget 
>will allow us to assume a bit more risk, in order to attract more participants.
> So, mostly the responses from the Education Committee chairs to the questions 
>Stefano posed are (though there are some differences of opinion on question 2):
> 1) grants: in order to make a decision we need a deadline. 
> Is a week before the end of the early registration period (that is, 8 April) 
>reasonable as deadline for grant application?
> YES.
> 2) should someone be allowed to apply for a grant only after s/he becomes 
>IAOA member?
> YES.
> 3) the Executive Council suggests to keep the fee low even if this means to 
>take some risk. 
> Should we stick with the 150 (student) and 250 (regular) proposal?
> YES.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: iaoa-education-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>[mailto:iaoa-education-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Robert Hoehndorf
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 6:49 AM
> To: IAOA Education Committee
> Subject: Re: [iaoa-education] decisions (urgent)
>>>>>> "SB" == Stefano Borgo <stefano.borgo@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hi,
>    SB> 1) grants: in order to make a decision we need a deadline.
>    SB> Is a week before the end of the early registration period (that
>    SB> is, 8 April) reasonable as deadline for grant application?
> I think so.
>    SB> 2) should someone be allowed to apply for a grant only after
>    SB> s/he becomes IAOA member?
> I do not think this is a good idea. Somebody who applies for
> support will likely not want (or be able) to spend an extra fee to
> become an IAOA member.
>    SB> 3) the Executive Council suggests to keep the fee low even if
>    SB> this means to take some risk.
>    SB> Should we stick with the 150 (student) and 250 (regular)
>    SB> proposal?
> I agree with keeping fees rather low, but cannot judge whether the
> fees above will cover all expenses.
> Rob.
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> Activities Blog: http://iaoa-activities.blogspot.com/ ...(coming!)
> To join: please email committee chair or to: info @ iaoa.org 
> IAOA website: http://iaoa.org
> _____________________________________________________________________ 
> Msg Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/iaoa-education/   
> Committee File-share: http://iaoa.cim3.net/file/work/Committee/Education/ 
> Committee Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IaoaEducation
> Activities Blog: http://iaoa-activities.blogspot.com/ ...(coming!)
> To join: please email committee chair or to: info @ iaoa.org 
> IAOA website: http://iaoa.org    (07)

Msg Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/iaoa-education/   
Committee File-share: http://iaoa.cim3.net/file/work/Committee/Education/ 
Committee Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IaoaEducation
Activities Blog: http://iaoa-activities.blogspot.com/ ...(coming!)
To join: please email committee chair or to: info @ iaoa.org 
IAOA website: http://iaoa.org    (08)
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