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Re: [iaoa-education] decisions + 1 question

To: IAOA Education Committee <iaoa-education@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: IAOA Executive Council <iaoa-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laure Vieu <vieu@xxxxxxx>
From: John Bateman <bateman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 15:40:12 +0100
Message-id: <4F6350CC.4030204@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Am 16.03.2012 15:21, schrieb Laure Vieu:
> NB: up to now we never had any objections to any membership, and I do
> not expect a different situation to arise with summer school participants.    (01)

yes, I'm wondering just what kind of situation would really
lead us to *reject* a membership and whether this process
is necessary. If the condition which might possibly be
imagined for rejecting a membership can't even be recognised
from the application, then the process is also somewhat
pointless. As long as people pay.... :-)    (02)

So: (a) this would mean that I would have no objections to
fast track going on as long as necessary and (b) perhaps
the fast track should even be accelerated further, i.e.,
the approval process could disappear..... (or become
purely formal, requiring no more than formal checks of
payment, complete contact details, working emails
or some such combination).    (03)

Please remind me, therefore, anyone, just why we
were so keen to have this in the first place....?    (04)

John.    (05)

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