On 2/14/14 3:27 PM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -
On Feb 14, 2014, at 3:00 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
An Ontology is (IMHO) very much
a kind of Data Dictionary. I wait to be convinced
But as you have repeatedly expressed,
you/Ontolog/LinkedData has zero interest in legacy systems.
Have I missed something?
Yes, you have missed the fact that I have never ever implied the
claim you make above. You are basically redefining my technical DNA.
I have spent more than 20+ years of total dedication to making new
and emerging technologies work with existing (so called legacy)
systems. I founded OpenLink Software to enable integration of data
across artificial data silos, created by *myopic* applications.
How can you consider the following as not being about legacy systems
oriented data access and integration:
[1] data access drivers for ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB, XMLA --
which all enable open standards based access to data held captive by
database management system silos
[2] RDF based Linked Data middleware -- that enables the use of open
standards (e.g., R2RML) for creating transient or materialized views
over HTTP, ODBC, or JDBC accessible data sources (i.e., beyond
database management systems to include HTTP and SOA services).
A legacy system integration is ultimately about data access and
manipulation. If the data isn't accessible the legacy system becomes
a hindrance to progress i.e., it impedes incorporation of new and
emerging technologies into the enterprise without being "ripped and
replaced" etc..
I think I'm on pretty safe ground that moving legacy data
to OpenData is a non-starter.
You don't move legacy data to anything. You provide access to legacy
data via new and emerging open data access standards
When one removes data from its native locale, it tends to
go wonky (that's a technical term).
See my comments above. I can't be any clearer with you.
A little detail is that the contents of a data dictionary
isn't what people typically think of as data.
A specific point: a Data Dictionary described Data. Nothing can be
clear than that.
Data is something like the value "12345" in a field in a
Sorry, that's inaccurate.
Data is observation represented in reusable form [1].
[1] http://slidesha.re/1hF48QL -- Understanding Data .
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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