On Thu, October 4, 2012 07:00, Gian Piero Zarri wrote: (01)
> ... solutions in the "qua-individuals" style like
> those proposed by Masolo and Cie. are not only inelegant but, mainly,
> actually impracticable because they lead to a quick proliferation of
> individuals: "JOHNquaHarvard-student" becomes, in fact, an instance of a
> concept like "student". And "student", moreover, is a "transient
> property" that cannot be instantiated. (02)
If you only allow the instantiation of rigid classes, then, by definition,
"student" cannot be instantiated. One can instantiate an instance of
"person" -- or whatever the nearest subsuming rigid class is -- and
associate the role "student" with it in the appropriate timeframe. (03)
However, Masolo & Cie do allow the instantiation of non-rigid classes,
such as "student". Since they DO it, they CAN do it in their system. (04)
> The problem, of course, is more general, and is linked to the pretension
> of describing all the knowledge of the world making use of a unique,
> syntactically and semantically limited,quite crude model represented by
> the (essentially binary) standard ontologies. When the problems to be
> solved become more complicate - and the "role" problem is certainly a
> difficult one - the limits of the standard approach appear clearly. (05)
Allowing for non-rigid classes by allowing instancehood to be
(in such cases) a temporal property, is a solution. This is not
the 4D concept of instancehood, but it works in 3D (+1). (06)
In 4D, the time slab from t1 to t2 (a qua-Individual) of spacetime
worm E1 timelessly is an instance of the role class and has various
properties. In 3D+1, during the time period from t1 to t2, the
entity E1 is an instance of that role class and has those same
properties. (07)
-- doug foxvog (08)
> Regards,
> G.P. Zarri (09)
> On 04/10/2012 00:05, Obrst, Leo J. wrote:
>> Ok, use SocialEntity. One must distinguish the kind vs. the role, I
>> think. E.g., the event participant roles in the sentence "John gave
>> Mary a gun" is roughly: agent(john, E1), affectedEntity/patient(mary,
>> E1), theme(gun, E1), but the kinds of the objects at the class level:
>> agent(Agent, Event), affectedEntity(Agent, Event),
>> theme(PhysicalEntity, Event).
>> There is both a role property/relation called agent or perhaps better,
>> agentOf, to distinguish it from the kind/type called Agent.
>> "agentOf" is a property/relation, i.e., a role. "Agent" is a class,
>> i.e., the class of volitional entities.
>> Social roles do get complex very quickly. I direct you to the
>> following, among others:
>> Masolo, Claudio; Laure Vieu; Emanuele Bottazzi; Carola Catenacci;
>> Roberta Ferrario; Aldo Gangemi; Nicola Guarino. 2004. Social Roles and
>> their Descriptions, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference
>> on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI
>> Press, 2004. http://www.loa-cnr.it/Papers/KR04MasoloC.pdf.
>> Masolo, Claudio, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Laure Vieu, Emanuele Bottazzi,
>> and Roberta Ferrario. Relational roles and qua-individuals. In Guido
>> Boella, James Odell, Leendert van der Torre, and Harko Verhagen,
>> editors, Roles, an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Ontologies,
>> Programming Languages, and Multiagent Systems. Papers from the AAAI
>> Fall Symposium, pages 103--112. AAAI Press, 2005.
>> http://www.irit.fr/publis/LILAC/MGVBF-rolesAAAI05.pdf.
>> Arp, R. & Smith, B. (2008). Function, role, and disposition in basic
>> formal ontology. In Proceedings of Bio-Ontologies Workshop (ISMB 2008)
>> (pp. 45--48). Available from Nature Proceedings at:
>> http://hdl.handle.net/10101/npre.2008.1941.1
>> <http://hdl.handle.net/10101/npre.2008.1941.1>.
>> Vieu, Laure, Stefano Borgo, and Claudio Masolo. 2008. Artefacts and
>> Roles: Modelling Strategies in a Multiplicative Ontology. Formal
>> Ontology in Information Systems, C. Eschenbach and M. Grüninger (Eds.)
>> IOS Press, 2008.
>> Thanks,
>> Leo (010)
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