To: | "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
From: | "David C. Hay" <dch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
Date: | Wed, 03 Oct 2012 15:54:42 -0500 |
Message-id: | <> |
Whoa! You've touched on an area that really burns me up. For years now, my models have shown Party which is an abstract super-type that designates either a Person or an Organization. A Person is defined as an individual human being, and an Organization is defined as a group of human beings, brought together physically or virtually for some purpose. In my world (the US Supreme Court notwithstanding) an Organization is not a Person! The Supreme Court decision (Citizens United vs. The Federal Election Commission, 2010) confusing these two very different concepts has had profound political impact in the United States, and may prove to be the end of the American democracy. Yes, the distinction is important. If you want to talk about something that could be either a Person or an Organization, the concept Party works just fine. Dave Hay At 02:21 PM 10/3/2012, you wrote: On 10/3/2012 8:06 AM, Andries van Renssen wrote: _________________________________________________________________ Message Archives: Config Subscr: Unsubscribe: mailto:ontolog-forum-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shared Files: Community Wiki: To join: (01) |
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