On 03/10/2012 14:06, Andries van Renssen wrote: (01)
Fyi, for me 'person' is not a role. But customer, student, patient,
performer, enabler, etc. are roles, because they are extrinsic aspects
which existence depend on a relation with some other role player. (02)
Andries, (03)
"customer", "student" "patient" etc. are, according to the NKRL's
terminology, "semantic roles", i.e., CONCEPTS pertaining to the category
of the "non sortal concepts", the concepts that cannot be endowed with
direct instances. "Functional roles" are, on the contrary, PRIMITIVES
like SUBJ, AGENT, OBJ, SOURCE etc. that define the function of entities
like "John" (the SUBJ or AGENT), "book (the OBJ)" and "Mary (the
BENEFICIARY)" with respect to a predicate like "give" (or equivalent) in
the well-known elementary event "John gives a book to Mary". See my
FLAIRS 2011 paper. (04)
Best regards, (05)
Gian Piero ZARRI (06)
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