On Wed, October 3, 2012 09:56, Gian Piero Zarri wrote:
> On 03/10/2012 14:06, Andries van Renssen wrote: (01)
>> Fyi, for me 'person' is not a role. But customer, student, patient,
>> performer, enabler, etc. are roles, because they are extrinsic aspects
>> which existence depend on a relation with some other role player. (02)
> Andries, (03)
> "customer", "student" "patient" etc. are, according to the NKRL's
> terminology, "semantic roles", i.e., CONCEPTS pertaining to the category
> of the "non sortal concepts", the concepts that cannot be endowed with
> direct instances. "Functional roles" are, on the contrary, PRIMITIVES
> like SUBJ, AGENT, OBJ, SOURCE etc. that define the function of entities
> like "John" (the SUBJ or AGENT), "book (the OBJ)" and "Mary (the
> BENEFICIARY)" with respect to a predicate like "give" (or equivalent) in
> the well-known elementary event "John gives a book to Mary". (04)
These PRIMITIVES seem to be linguistic roles.
In "Mary receives a book from John", one would have "Mary" (the SUBJ). (05)
English has paired verbs such as borrow/lend in cases in which another
language, e.g., Finnish, would only have one. (06)
A more detailed set of truly functional roles (performedBy, fromPossessor,
toPossessor, recipient, objectOfPossessionTransfer, objectOfStatusChange,
objectActedOn, primaryObjectMoving, ...) can be useful. (07)
-- doug foxvog (08)
> See my FLAIRS 2011 paper.
> Best regards,
> Gian Piero ZARRI
> (09)
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