On 04/10/2012 08:37, doug foxvog wrote:
> On Wed, October 3, 2012 09:56, Gian Piero Zarri wrote:
>> "customer", "student" "patient" etc. are, according to the NKRL's
>> terminology, "semantic roles", i.e., CONCEPTS pertaining to the category
>> of the "non sortal concepts", the concepts that cannot be endowed with
>> direct instances. "Functional roles" are, on the contrary, PRIMITIVES
>> like SUBJ, AGENT, OBJ, SOURCE etc. that define the function of entities
>> like "John" (the SUBJ or AGENT), "book (the OBJ)" and "Mary (the
>> BENEFICIARY)" with respect to a predicate like "give" (or equivalent) in
>> the well-known elementary event "John gives a book to Mary".
> These PRIMITIVES seem to be linguistic roles.
> In "Mary receives a book from John", one would have "Mary" (the SUBJ).
> English has paired verbs such as borrow/lend in cases in which another
> language, e.g., Finnish, would only have one.
> A more detailed set of truly functional roles (performedBy, fromPossessor,
> toPossessor, recipient, objectOfPossessionTransfer, objectOfStatusChange,
> objectActedOn, primaryObjectMoving, ...) can be useful.
> -- doug foxvog
> (01)
Doug, (02)
Nothing to do with linguistics or computational linguistics, I am
interested in a "deep level" representation, of events and situations
and not in a surface analysis of the syntactic/semantic relationships
between the items of a particular NL expression. And this means also
that the final conceptual representation should be totally indifferent
with respect to surface features like "active" and "passive". Once
again, you can change SUBJ(ect) into AGENT or whatever you like, the
"labels" of the functional role have only an "external", mnemonic
function. With respect then to your list of "truly functional role", a
knowledge representation system should also be practically exploitable,
see the criticisms addressed to CYC in this context. (03)
Regards, (04)
G.P. Zarri (05)
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