Dear Matthew, (01)
On 05/10/2012 23:35, Matthew West wrote:
> Dear Gian Piero,
>> Dear John,
>> You are missing the central point of the discussion with Doug Foxvog,
>> which concerned the theoretical and practical opportunity of adopting
>> solutions in the "qua-individuals" style for getting rid of the
>> problems concerning a sound definition and representation of the notion
>> of role.
>> And, in spite of Doug's objections, I maintain that endorsing a wild
>> proliferation of individuals sine necessitate does not represent a
>> correct methodological approach to the problem.
> MW: You have not explained why it is not correct. Why is it important that a
> record is say a temporal relationship rather than a qua-individual? Would
> you have the same objection if it were a state? (02)
GPZ: It is not correct for theoretical and practical reasons. "John"
must be modelled a priori making use of a SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE instance
of a concept like, e.g., "individual_person". "Student" and "customer"
are generic properties, totally independent in principle from John and
from any other possible character. They must, of course, be ASSOCIATED
with John within a specific, transient spatio-temporal environment but,
being properties, cannot be INSTANTIATED giving rise, among other
things, to (multiple) new instances of John. These last would be,
incidentally, a little bit strange, similar to instances in the style of
"John is an instance of red" or "John is an instance of windy". All this
is taught in one of the first lessons of whatever course in artificial
intelligence and knowledge representation. (03)
> MW: I disagree that there is a proliferation of records, for accidental
> properties you have to have some record that represents the period of time
> the object has the accidental property. The rest is just about what you want
> to call it. (04)
GPZ: I agree but, at least for clarity's sake, I prefer to keep the
"record" used to represent a transient property of John conceptually
distinct from the record used to represent the properties of John as a
standard individual. (05)
Best regards, (06)
G.P. Zarri (07)
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