Dear William,
"John"must be modelled a priori making use of a SPECIFIC AND
UNIQUE instance of a concept like, e.g., "individual_person".
"Student" and "customer"
are generic properties, totally independent in principle from
John and
from any other possible character. They must, of course, be
with John within a specific, transient spatio-temporal
environment but,
being properties, cannot be INSTANTIATED
Does this mean that "John" CAN be instantiated? I agree, but
only by his mother and father and a little help from mother
nature. In my opinion, 'instantiation' is one of the three
weird mental whirlpools that class-oriented programming has
foisted on us. Should we not be modelling the world, not how
some software works? Instatiation, in mathematical logic,
means something else, and something good.
GPZ: I cannot suppose you are serious. According to the common AI
(and computer science) practice, to derive an instance (a specific
individual) like "John" from a general concept like
"individual_person" means simply actualising the properties (name,
age, sex etc.) generically defined for "individual_person" with the
specific data proper to John. Quite simple, I don't see in this
context any need for neither whirlpools, maelstroms, nor jacuzzis. You could be
right in saying that this is a trivialisation of universal
instantiation and existential instantiation inferences in
mathematical logics, but this is certainly not the unique example of
change of meaning when passing to a discipline to another. See, to
mention the probably most well-known example in this domain, the
change of sense of "case grammars", originally used to represent the
surface relationships of natural language expressions, and rerouted
by the AI scholar in order to represent the conceptual
relationships, independent from any surface realisation, of the
entities included in a (deep level) symbolic structure.
> MW: I disagree that there is a proliferation of records,
for accidental
> properties you have to have some record that represents
the period of time
> the object has the accidental property. The rest is just
about what you want
> to call it.
GPZ: I agree but, at least for clarity's sake, I prefer to
keep the
"record" used to represent a transient property of John
distinct from the record used to represent the properties of
John as a
standard individual.
I think it would be hard to find someone to disagree with
GPZ: Thank you William for you warm support.
What I would choose to call this is, there is a
relationship called marriage. The marriage of john and
cecialiia is and instance of that relationship. In that
relationship, John plays the role of husband. So, The role
instance of husband in a marriage relationship is linked to
john. It is the marriage that has the dates, places of
occurence, etc., as attributes. John as husband has a few too,
but they are fully dependent on John as john and the marriage
instance. No marriage, no john as husband. No john, no john
as husband.
Best regards,
G.P. Zarri
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