On Wed, October 3, 2012 15:21, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 10/3/2012 8:06 AM, Andries van Renssen wrote:
>> for me 'person' is not a role. But customer, student, patient,
>> performer,
>> enabler, etc. are roles, because they are extrinsic aspects which
>> existence depend on a relation with some other role player.
> ...
> The two-word phrase 'human being' is the most neutral English term
> for an individual of the species Homo sapiens. (01)
The word 'human', as a noun, works just as well, imho. (02)
> Other English words,
> 'man', 'woman', 'boy', 'girl', 'child', and 'adult' designate
> a human being of a particular sex and/or age. (03)
Also, in contexts that include other sentient beings than humans, the
term "person" normally would cover them as well. Predicates that
are restricted to "person" would normally cover other sentient beings
and rules not dependent on properties of instances of Homo sapiens
as animals, would normally apply to such non-human persons as well. (04)
Such "persons" would include, extra-terrestrial sentients, gods, and
fairy-tale/supernatural beings such as elves, trolls, hobbits, ghosts,
witches, etc. (05)
> Since the US legal system has adopted the word 'person' for a role
> that can be played by an organization, the role aspect has been
> emphasized, rather than diminished by time. (06)
> To be absolutely neutral, an ontology could use the term HumanBeing
> for an instance of Homo sap. Then the category Person could be
> used for individuals or organizations that have a certain legal
> status in society. (07)
I would suggest that a name such as "LegalPerson" would be better for
such purposes, since having legal status is the key. Such status depends
upon the applicable legal code at the specified time and place. (08)
> The distinction is important. The character string used in the KRep
> is less significant. (09)
Agreed on both points. (010)
-- doug foxvog (011)
> One solution is to use the URI or IRI as the
> official designator, and to have a list of possible realizations
> in different languages in the document that describes the term.
> John Sowa (012)
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