On Monday, November 14, 2011 3:32 PM, Phil Murray wrote:
"Are there *any other *non-binary models for representing complex objects
[that is, objects with n-ary substructure] and relationships among those
complex objects???" (01)
See Chapter 6: "What Organizes the World: N-Relational Entities".
http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/reality-universal-ontology-knowledge-systems/28312 (02)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Murray" <pcmurray2000@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 3:32 PM
Subject: [ontolog-forum] N-ary relationships and hypergraphs (03)
> Although I am not an expert in knowledge representation, the current
> discussion of n-ary relations in representation of knowledge is very
> important to my interests. So I have several questions:
> *
> Are /hypergraphs /sufficiently well understood and accepted as a
> modeling tool for similar [n-ary] requirements?
> *
> Are there any tools that support creation and visualization of
> hypergraphs [from data]?
> *
> Gian Piero Zarri's /Representation and management of narrative
> information: Theoretical principles and implementation/ describes
> his Narrative Knowledge Representation Language (NKRL), an n-ary
> approach to representation of what I would call rhetorically
> coheren/t ///extended communications/./ (His
> well-researched discussion of "the n-ary problem" on pages 14-33 is
> particularly informative.) Are there *any other *non-binary models
> for representing complex objects [that is, objects with n-ary
> substructure] and relationships among those complex objects???
> *
> Are there any SW tools that *directly *support pointing to
> (reifying) an arbitrary set of nodes and/or edges?
> *
> And if this is not the right space to ask this and
> similar questions, where else would you suggest I look for answers?
> Thanks,
> Phil Murray
> ---------------------
> The Semantic Advantage
> Turning Information into Assets
> phil.murray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> 401-247-7899
> Blog: http://semanticadvantage.wordpress.com
> Web site: http://www.semanticadvantage.com
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