On 4/25/11 11:54 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
> On Mon, April 25, 2011 17:25, Kingsley Idehen said:
>> On 4/25/11 5:14 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
>>> On 4/25/2011 1:53 PM, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> I am sure that no entity is monitoring the oil/gas threats globally
>>>> or locally. Say, the same Gulf of Mexico, with 50,000 oil and gas
>>>> wells,
>>>> to be unsealed or uncapped and abandoned without any regular technical
>>>> monitoring, is nothing but an environmental "minefield" of other deadly
>>>> oil-rig explosions.
>>> That's an excellent argument for better monitoring. But the connection
>>> to a single global ontology is dubious.
>>> The BP spill, for example, could very easily have been prevented by
>>> responsible managers who took safety seriously. BP management got
>>> many, many warnings from their employees, and they ignored every last
>>> one of them. More warnings coming from a computer would have been
>>> just as easy for them to ignore.
>> Public access to the data (e.g., warning data about pending
>> catastrophes) is key to making organizations like BP take notice and
>> process warning data at the right time.
> Detailed data about wells being drilled: distance drilled per unit time,
> pressure, temperature, chemical properties of return fluid, etc. would
> certainly be proprietary data. (01)
Yes, if you assume said data is only curated internally :-) (02)
> Companies would not be willing to provide such data to the public&
> therefore their competitors. (03)
Of course they won't, but they aren't the only sources of such that.
Naturally, they will hold the more accurate variants due to internal
(their specific enterprise domain) context, but this doesn't negate my
point. (04)
We've already seen the effects of Wikileaks and other data and
information publication efforts aided by the InterWeb. There are many
outlets for sharing data today, and this is a game-changer (one that's
already having tangible effect world wide). Social network discussions
and memes, Blog posts, Wikis, Bookmarks etc.. are all leading to context
rich data sharing on a level unrivaled in our modern history. (05)
> -- doug foxvog
>> Being able to leverage the WWW as a global data space where
>> conversations are machine discernible will help. Facebook, Twitter, and
>> other social networking oriented data space enclaves are showing the way
>> (albeit totally privacy challenged today).
>> Kingsley
>>> John
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>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen
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> doug foxvog doug@xxxxxxxxxx http://ProgressiveAustin.org
> "I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great
> initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
> - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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-- (07)
Regards, (08)
Kingsley Idehen
President& CEO
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