John - (01)
On 2011-04-21, at 9:50 AM, John F. Sowa wrote: (02)
> At that level of detail, we agree. But the framework must support
> existing systems, future systems, and people at all levels of
> education. (And even experts in one field are novices in others.)
> 1. There are trillions of dollars of legacy software that run the
> world economy. It won't be replaced for a long, long time.
> 2. Anything that replaces a legacy system has to interoperate with
> it during a long period of transition. In fact, most systems
> that replace a legacy system build on and extend the implicit
> ontology in the old system.
> 3. Anything that depends on people using unique identifiers must
> address the problem that even experts in a subject can't agree
> on what codes or categories to assign. (03)
I thought the mundane issue of "legacy systems" was taken off the
ontology table as irrelevant? (04)
Did I miss something? (05)
David Eddy
deddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (06)
781-455-0949 (07)
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