Doug, (01)
On 4/25/2011 11:54 PM, doug foxvog wrote:
> The BP spill, for example, could very easily have been prevented by
>>> responsible managers who took safety seriously. BP management got
>>> many, many warnings from their employees, and they ignored every last
>>> one of them. More warnings coming from a computer would have been
>>> just as easy for them to ignore.
>> Public access to the data (e.g., warning data about pending
>> catastrophes) is key to making organizations like BP take notice and
>> process warning data at the right time.
> Detailed data about wells being drilled: distance drilled per unit time,
> pressure, temperature, chemical properties of return fluid, etc. would
> certainly be proprietary data.
> Companies would not be willing to provide such data to the public&
> therefore their competitors.
> (02)
+1! (03)
I would also point out that "public access" does not enable anyone to
make meaningful analysis of data. (04)
Hope you are having a great day! (05)
-- (06)
Patrick Durusau
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