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Re: [ontolog-forum] Can Syntax become Semantic ?

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Jim Rhyne" <jrr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:03:04 -0800
Message-id: <006c01ca9860$1ae9c210$50bd4630$@com>

For that, I can have an attribute "about" in XML itself and have the above resource as its value and let machines process it.”


Of course. But a group of bright folks with a good deal of experience in both knowledge representation and XML created RDF (which is a dialect of XML).

Why would you want to re-do that work?




From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Phani Chaitanya
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 9:01 PM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Can Syntax become Semantic ?



As Ed was also pointing out that they need to agree upon the ontology they are using.

Few points that I can comprehend from your reply :

RDF creates a standard way for the process to happen.

          What if people across the whole world start using a standard way of doing this which can be enhancing from time to time ?
I do understand that the tags etc.. in RDF enables us to represent the info in more natural terms. But what is it semantic w.r.t computers/systems ?

For example, to describe an item the thing that differs from a normal XML to RDF is that I add "rdf:about" to that item and give a resource for the same. That resource itself is another URL or URI in terms of W3C. So, even the systems just know that you are describing about some entity (the above resource) if at all there exists a rule in the program which says that "rdf:about" means description etc.

For that, I can have an attribute "about" in XML itself and have the above resource as its value and let machines process it.

So, I can plug-in my program above also except that my rule changes from "rdf:about" to just "about" in XML.

I read it somewhere that "semantics" w.r.t systems is that they should be able to process our information.

And also as Rich was also saying that SW is just one way of doing this

May be, I should ask first that "what does semantics mean w.r.t computers" and what is the goal of semantic applications with a neat example. Along with that I would also like to read about any references for the same.

Phani Chaitanya.

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Jim Rhyne <jrr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

A trading system application acts as a third party broker between the buyer and seller. Both buyer and seller register with the trading system and the trading system matches goods offered with buyer requests for goods. The match could involve an auction (as eBay does) or a direct trade or purchase.


The semantic web eliminates the trading system. Assume that a seller creates some information on the web that is annotated with RDF. The buyer uses a search service (perhaps implemented with SPARQL) to search the web. This search service is general in nature (like Google) and is provided by many sites on the web, or it may be a personal implementation provided by the buyer or seller. The RDF provides a standard way for sellers to describe their offerings without interfering with the sellers ability to create a personal and pleasing web experience. It also standardizes the way buyers can frame a query.


Does this help?




From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Phani Chaitanya
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:29 PM
To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Can Syntax become Semantic ?


Hello all,

I have a doubt in the semantic web applications. I mean, how semantic is the application that we build which can contribute to semantic web.

For example, if I want to build an application which does buying/selling of some items (let's say cars).

Now broadly there are two types one being who wanted to buy a car and the other who whanted sell a car.

So, if I have a RDF file which get's generated whenever a person enters info. like name, address, email, the type of car he/she wants to sell, price etc .. with a RDF ID.

Similaryly I will have the info. for person who would like to buy that type of car.

Now, what should my application do ? whenever one wants to buy a car .. my system should search for those types of car put up for sale by some others.

For it to work, one needs to have a DB to search upon which essentially is a search engine db. All I gained in terms of semantics is representing in RDF which is one form of XML.

For, a computer to process the info. we need to explicity provide the heuristics for it to undergo some actions on seeing some tags.

So, how Syntax can become Semantic ?

Sorry, if I don't make any sense. But I would really like to know about semantic web and it's applications.

Phani Chaitanya.

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Phani Chaitanya

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