Schiffel, Jeffrey A wrote:
>> From: Ed Barkmeyer
>> I don't know how to teach knowledge engineering skills; so I can't imagine
>developing an abstract test for them.
>> I suppose that, since one can now be a Certified UML Modeler, one could
>probably be a Certified OWL Modeler. OTOH, the relationship between Certified
>OWL Modeler and "ontologist aptitude" is unknown.
> This is the key to developing an OAT. Rather than first developing the test,
>instead create an Ontologist Body of Knowledge. From them, several items
>follow, including an aptitude test.
> The steps in order are these:
> 1. Build an OBoK.
> 2. Build a training curriculum.
> 3. Build a certification test.
> 4. Build an aptitude test.
> To get started, here are just a few possible OBoK topics:
> - Training and years of experience in use of logic, including FOL and modal
>logics. Applied use, such as SQL or DL.
> - Training and years of experience in conceptual structures, including
>graphical tools and formal notations like XML, UML, many others.
> - Use of ontology tools, ranging from general purpose tools (e.g., databases
>and Protégé) to specialized ontology tools.
> - Training or skill in general systems theory.
> - Training in algebraic methods such as trees and digraphs, lattices, and
>similar group structures, and in graph theory.
> - Knowledge of an "ontology life cycle," to include designing an maintaining
>individual or coupled ontologies.
> - Basic principles of syntax, semantics, semiotics.
> >From topics such as these, not only can a OBoK and an accomplishments test
>be developed, but also a training curriculum. Once these three exist, an
>aptitude test should be simple to formulate.
> Regards,
> -- Jeff Schiffel
This is a good contribution to the discussion. (01)
This would be a good set of pages for the wiki.
With a little contribution from some of the people in the forum who have
great expertise and experience, we could end up with a nice description
of the fundamental tools that could help all of us get more proficient.
At least we would have a guide to what basic knowledge is required to
begin to understand, discuss and apply ontology. (02)
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