I absolutely propose the opposite. (01)
The three sets of top level classes in the KR ontology are fundamental,
technology neutral and easy to explain to non technical business subject
matter experts. Any class of "Thing" in a mid-level ontology of common
things (for example contracts, money, processes, events, parameters) can
be identified as being a child or descendent of one thing in each of
those layers (e.g. an independent, concrete, continuant thing). To this
I would add whole/part, set, time and so on. (02)
I have done this, and it works, and people like it, understand it and
use it to provide practical business review and validation of semantics
models. (03)
It is precisely because so many of the existing upper ontologies do not
seem to have disposed themselves around these three layers, that I have
found it difficult to use them directly. I admit I probably need to look
more closely at Cyc though. (04)
Mike (05)
Richard H. McCullough wrote:
> Here's my two cents worth.
> I offer as a reasonable standard the tabula rasa ontology
> http://mkrmke.org/kb/TabulaRasa.html
> It has a small number of fundamental concepts which are likely
> to be used in all applications.
> By contrast, most other ontologies are similar to Sowa's ontology
> http://mkrmke.org/knowledge/rhm/theory/Sowa/SowaOntology.html
> which "mixes" three different views of existents, thereby "cluttering" the
> ontology with concepts which may not be used in a particular application.
> Dick McCullough
> http://mkrmke.org
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