But isn't Sarah palin an elite researcher? Isn't there a whole branch
of ontology science named after her? (paleontology)? (01)
;-) (02)
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On 18-Mar-09, at 19:58, "Christopher Menzel" <cmenzel@xxxxxxxx> wrote: (04)
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Richard H. McCullough wrote:
>> I have not yet been convinced that any such "extra" interpretation
>> is necessary. I still have the impression that formal model theory
>> is an academic exercise which has little to do with meaning in the
>> real world.
> Come on, Dick. Some strong objections have been raised to the effect
> that mKR as it stands is missing a critical foundational component. I
> hope I'm wrong, but it *looks* as if, in the absence of any legitimate
> technical response to these objections, you are trying to divert
> attention away from them with the cheap and hoary smear of academic
> researchers as self-absorbed elitists who are out of touch with the
> issues that real knowledge engineers in the "real world" care about.
> That sort of tactic didn't work for Sarah Palin and it won't work
> here. ;-)
> I'd suggest you take the time to *study* model theory before
> announcing your impressions of it. mKR (not to mention your own
> credibility) can only benefit from the effort.
> Chris Menzel
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