Chris, (01)
Thanks again for a very informative and detailed response. It is always nice to
get comment from domain experts and learn. (02)
However my intention was not to establish a complete provenance of the thesis.
It is sufficient for this discussion to say that it was inspired by W. (03)
CM>I'd bet a fair sum that W himself would not recognize "application as
context" as his thesis. (04)
I'd bet at least as much that many Thinkers would not recognize what ideas they
have inspired. (05)
My point about W's work was that it lays down a foundation for development of
common representation based on the practical "use" of the representation, be it
a picture or world or any other sigh. I made this point in response to Ravi
suggestion to focus on "use of ontology" in his response to John. I answered
that if "use" is his main focus, then perhaps W's (later) theory is a good
place to start. (06)
Going further in that direction one can consider semiosys of signs driven by
practical applications utilizing it, thus forming a metaphysical feedback
system. This is where you can connect natural feedback systems to the origins
of common representations and language. (07)
--Len (08)
Len Yabloko, Owner/CEO
Next Generation Software (09)
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