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Re: [ontolog-forum] C and Ada (was: Please thread the discussion)

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ed Barkmeyer <edbark@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:25:37 -0500
Message-id: <47334691.80707@xxxxxxxx>
Since this was once my domain of expertise -- programming languages -- I 
can't resist jumping in here.    (01)

Sean wrote:    (02)

>> "3. DARPA developed Ada as the standard for systems programming.
>>    Result:  C (a language that violated nearly every one of the
>> design goals for Ada) became the standard for system programming."    (03)

Well, DARPA intended Ada as THE standard for programming "embedded 
systems" -- software/hardware that controls part of the operation of a 
vehicle or appliance.  Embedded systems are principally event-driven but 
tend to include complex procedural algorithms as well, some of which are 
intensely numeric in character.  (Thinking of plotting the trajectory of 
an incoming aircraft so as to predict its position when the AA shell 
arrives.)  So Ada had to be as good as Fortran for mathematics 
programming and have real-time event-driven features as well.  Ada was 
intended to replace assembly-language for the task-specific code, while 
standardizing in the language the event and thread supporting features 
of the runtime environment.  The design of Ada assumed that most 
elements of the Ada runtime environment would be written in 
machine-specific assembly language -- the idea was to have a common 
pattern for use by the real-time application programmer.    (04)

Systems programming languages, OTOH, almost never need to use 
floating-point arithmetic and rarely involve complex procedural 
algorithms.  C was indeed intended as a systems programming language. 
It was the third such language developed at Bell Labs in the period 
1966-1971 and neither A nor B even had a "float" datatype.  And C has no 
real-time or event-driven features in the language at all!  The 
presumption in C was that systems functions programmed in assembly 
language with C-language interfaces would provide the fundamental 
support for events, threads, interrupts and other real-time concepts. 
And in the first 3 implementations -- the HIS6000, the PDP-11 and a Bell 
special -- the systems interfaces were all different!    (05)

Sean said:
>> My impression was that Ada was Pascal++,     (06)

Jean Ichbiah (designer of Ada) would be horrified.  While he and Klaus 
Wirth (designer of Pascal) both participated in the (doomed but very 
innovative) Algol68 work, they had entirely different views of what a 
programming language should be/do.  Klaus was all about "experimental 
languages" to teach students about software ideas and make programming 
easier.  Jean was all about making software reliable; so the objective 
of his work was to make languages expressive and impose discipline on 
the programmers.  For different reasons, they both believed in strong 
typing, but all the other commonalities of Pascal and Ada were common to 
many of the experimental languages of the late 1960s, and most of them 
were found in C as well.    (07)

>> but that C was really
>> FORTRAN 75 (i.e. Fortran NOT updated by a committee, cf "A camel is a
>> horse designed by a committee"). The jaundiced view is that C took
>> off because it allowed you to program without thinking, and to get
>> round the constraints which good practice imposes.    (08)

Randy said:
> There is virtually nothing in common between FORTRAN and C.     (09)

Spot on.  Certainly there is almost no common thinking in the intent of 
the languages.    (010)

That said, we must realize that the university mathematics programming 
communities of the 1980s found it necessary (more on that later) to 
program in C rather than Fortran, and created a whole C-for-engineering 
discipline that made demands on later C compilers and libraries that 
would not even have occurred to Brian Kernighan in 1972.  So, by 1985, C 
was a common mathematics programming language, with more caché than 
Fortran 77, and (finally) with first-rate compiler/library support for 
mathematics, even though that had never been the intent of the language.    (011)

> As to 
> your "jaundiced view," little could be further from the truth. C is a 
> challenging language to program in owing to its very low-level 
> formalisms, its deliberate refusal to abstract away many of the 
> characteristics of the hardware targeted by its code generator and its 
> silent acceptance of many programs that are non-portable and / or 
> flatly incorrect.
> The "jaundiced" characterization of C is that it's a portable assembly 
> language.    (012)

There is truth to all of the above, and to both jaundiced views.    (013)

I have a third "jaundiced view".    (014)

Ada's problem was the Department of Defense.  They ruled that no subset 
of the Ada language, and no extension of the Ada language, could use the 
name Ada.  Further, they broke one of Ichbian's design elements by 
requiring an implementation behavior (for maximum efficiency) that was 
only suitable for the final running code of the embedded system.  This 
combination of rules meant that no university team could construct a 
student programming language that was a useful subset of the Ada 
standard, e.g. equivalent to Pascal.  And it further meant that 
developing a (military) standards-compliant version of Ada, so as to use 
the name, required a lot of useless work for support of most programming 
tasks.  So university students did not learn Ada.  DoD the father 
strangled their gifted infant Ada at birth!    (015)

C, on the other hand, had no useful subsets, and only one commonly used 
compiler for over 5 years.  For all practical purposes, it was the 
*only* programming language available on the unix operating system until 
1979 (when a Fortran 77 compiler, and the Franz LISP system, and some 
others, appeared).  Now, unix was the only easy to assemble and use 
operating system for the best cheap and powerful hardware platform of 
the 1970s -- the Digital Equipment PDP-11.  University labs bought 
PDP-11s by the truckload, and anyone who wasn't using the computer for 
real-time applications installed unix on it, because the operating 
system was *free* (to universities) from Bell Labs.  So university 
students of the late 1970s, particularly in science and engineering 
labs, learned to program in C, because they had no real choice.  Bell 
Labs the father inadvertently proselytized their bastard systems 
programming language C to students all over the world.    (016)

The rest is history.  In my jaundiced view, I refer to this as "the 
Catholic Church method -- get 'em young."  What you teach the students 
today will be the de facto commercial standard of tomorrow.    (017)

-Ed    (018)

P.S. And in my case, the disclaimer below definitely applies, and 
matches Sean's personal one. ;-)    (019)

Edward J. Barkmeyer                        Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263                Tel: +1 301-975-3528
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263                FAX: +1 301-975-4694    (020)

"The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST,
  and have not been reviewed by any Government authority."    (021)

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