On Thursday 08 November 2007 09:25, Ed Barkmeyer wrote:
> Since this was once my domain of expertise -- programming languages
> -- I can't resist jumping in here.
> ...
> ... C was indeed intended as a systems programming language.
> It was the third such language developed at Bell Labs in the period
> 1966-1971 and neither A nor B even had a "float" datatype. (01)
"A?" I thought the progression was: (02)
BCPL -> B -> C (03)
Am I mistaken? (04)
> ...
> The rest is history. In my jaundiced view, I refer to this as "the
> Catholic Church method -- get 'em young." (05)
Some of us managed to escape... (06)
Frankly, I'm not sure which persists more strongly in my psyche, my
years of C or my years of Roman Catholic catechism and education... Now
that I think of it, both were of about the same duration! (07)
> What you teach the students today will be the de facto commercial
> standard of tomorrow. (08)
Now there's a burden to bear! (09)
> -Ed (010)
Randall Schulz (011)
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