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Re: [ontolog-forum] Conference Call on modeling/formalizing representat

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Patrick Cassidy <pcassidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 19:06:59 -0500
Message-id: <404521A3.1060009@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Peter --
   I can participate in any of those time slots.    (01)

----------------    (02)

Peter Yim wrote:
> Sue & Tim,
> Further to our discussion at the ubl-lcsc call this morning and earlier 
> exchanges on the forum (ref. 
> I'd liked to schedule a conference call where either or both of you (in 
> the same or a different session) bring those of us working on the 
> ubl-ontology project, up to speed by providing context, status and 
> semantics for Core Component Types -- as a necessary step towards our 
> developing an ontology on the CCT's  other CC's and eventually UBL.
> Our first preference, in terms of timing, would be during our regular 
> Thursday [ontolog] conference calls which starts 10:30am California 
> time. (Tim did, and rightfully so, indicated that this is obviously not 
> a good time for someone in West Australia, because that is 2:30am there.)
> This is important enough that I, for one, am open to all options. I 
> would hope to see this happen sooner, rather than later.
> Therefore, to get the ball rolling, let me start by suggesting a few 
> time slots. Then will each of you, Sue and Tim, as well as interested 
> members of the ubl-ontology team and the ontolog community, come back 
> and indicate, which (hopefully all) of those slots would work for you. 
> If none would, please give us 2 or 3 slots in return, so that we can 
> start over. Here goes (although given our geographic distribution, there 
> is really no "ideal" time):
> (a) Thu 04-Mar-2004 3:00pm California time (which would be 11 pm in 
> London; 7 am in West Australia, and 6 pm in New Jersey)
> (b) Thu 11-Mar-2004 2:00pm California time
> (c) Thu 11-Mar-2004 3:00pm California time
> (d) Thu 11-Mar-2004 4:00pm California time
> This is important to our ubl-ontology work. Ontolog participants, please 
> make your best attempt to participate, and please so indicate, in order 
> that we can make our best effort to accomodate everyone.
> Thanks & regards.  -ppy
> -- 
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Patrick Cassidy    (04)

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