Mike's observations are correct, indeed. I myself was a bit confused
by these words. What about something like: (01)
'Co-sponsors' are organizations who endorse the purpose of this
Summit, by providing technical, funding, or dissemination support. (02)
Nicola (03)
On Mar 2, 2006, at 11:46 PM, Uschold, Michael F wrote: (04)
> If everyone else prefers the given wording, then so be it.
> I think the last part undermines our cause.
> Adding the last sentence:
> 1. Is UNNECESSARY - anyone technically or financially supporting,
> can be
> assumed to, in some way, be supporting the purpose of the summit.
> 2. GIVES THE WRONG MESSAGE. The 'and/or' clause amounts to saying:
> "one of things some of the co-sponsors might be doing is endorsing
> the
> purpose of this Upper Ontology Summit effort."
> That is an awful message to send.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter P. Yim [mailto:peter.yim@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 2:21 PM
> To: Upper Ontology Summit convention
> Cc: Upper Ontology Summit Organizing Committee
> Subject: Re: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER
> Mike et al.,
> Just came out of the UOS Organization Committee meeting ... after
> reviewing the situation, it was finally adopted that we will use the
> following definition:
> "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who are providing technical or
> funding support, and/or endorsing the purpose of this Upper Ontology
> Summit."
> See discussion notes at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/
> OrganizingCo
> mmitteeMeeting_2006_03_02#nidKIM
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> --
> Peter P. Yim wrote Thu, 02 Mar 2006 12:30:47 -0800:
>> Thank you, Mike.
>> I'll bring this up at the UOS Organizing Committee conference call
>> this afternoon for a disposition.
>> Regards. =ppy
>> --
>> Uschold, Michael F wrote Thu, 2 Mar 2006 11:00:09 -0800:
>>> May I suggest a much simpler definition:
>>> Replace:
>>> "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who would provide technical or
>>> funding support (which all of you are already doing), and/or
> endorsing
>>> the purpose of this Upper Ontology Summit effort."
>>> With:
>>> "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who that provide technical or
>>> funding support."
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Steve Ray [mailto:ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, March 02,
>>> 2006 10:28 AM
>>> To: 'Upper Ontology Summit convention'
>>> Subject: RE: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER
>>> Peter,
>>> Even though we're also listed as co-organizers, why don't you go
>>> ahead and list NIST as a co-sponsor as well. It may turn out to be a
>>> who's who list, and I'd hate to be absent!
>> ======
>> Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 10:08:23 -0800
>> From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>> To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Re: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER
>> Re-stating the definition again (didn't clean it up enough in my
>> last message):
>> "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who are providing technical or
>> funding support, and/or endorsing the purpose of this Upper
>> Ontology Summit effort."
>> =ppy
>> =======
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> [mailto:uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter P.
> Yim
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 12:36 PM
>>> To: Upper Ontology Summit convention
>>> Subject: Re: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER
>>> All,
>>> Further to our uos-conveners telephone conversation today, we agreed
>>> that this 'co-sponsorship' exercise needs everyone to opt-in before
> we
>>> will be moving them from the "candidate" to the "confirmed" list.
>>> We also committed to state clearly how we define 'co-sponsors'
>>> whenever we cite that list. Therefore, let me re-state the
>>> definition
>>> again,
>>> here:
>>> "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who would provide technical or
>>> funding support (which all of you are already doing), and/or
> endorsing
>>> the purpose of this Upper Ontology Summit effort."
>>> Ref:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIOJ
>>> So far, I have the following on the "confirmed" list:
>>> # the Applied Ontology journal (KLW)
>>> # Aritculate Software (AdamPease) (KDL)
>>> # Boeing (MichaelUschold) (KDO)
>>> # EPISTLE (European Process Industries STEP Technical Liaison
>>> Executive) (KLS)
>>> # CIM3 (PeterYim) (KIX)
>>> # ECOR - European Centre for Ontological Research (NicolaGuarino)
>>> (KDH)
>>> # IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group - http://suo.ieee.org
>>> (JimSchoening) (KDZ)
>>> # NCOR - (US) National Center for Ontological Research (BarrySmith &
>>> MarkMusen) (IOY)
>>> # Shell (MatthewWest) (KDM)
>>> # University of Maryland College of Information Studies
>>> (DagobertSoergel) (KDS)
>>> and I still have the following organizations on the "candidate"
>>> list:
>>> # MITRE (LeoObrst) (KDI)
>>> # CNR Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies / Laboratory
> of
>>> Applied Ontology (Trento & Rome) (NicolaGuarino & AldoGangemi)
> (KDJ)
>>> # Cycorp (DougLenat) (KDK)
>>> # IBM (ChrisWelty) (KDN)
>>> # ISO 18629 Working Group (MichaelGruninger) (KE1)
>>> # Ontology Works (BillAndersen) (KDP)
>>> # University of Bremen (JohnBateman) (KDQ)
>>> # University of Toronto (MichaelGruninger) (KDR)
>>> # Texas A&M University (ChrisMenzel) (KDT)
>>> # University at Buffalo (BarrySmith) (KDU)
>>> # Stanford University (MarkMusen) (KDV)
>>> # EPA (BrandNiemann) (KDW)
>>> # National Center for Biomedical Ontology [cBio] (MarkMusen)
>>> (KDX)
>>> # DERI ? (DieterFensel .. Leo, please help confirm) # USC and/or ISI
> ?
>>> (JerryHobbs) # UMBC ? (SergeiNirenberg) # NSF ? (MariaZemankova ...
>>> please help confirm) # HITOP (MarcWine ... BrandNiemann please help
>>> confirm) # FEA-DRM ? (BrandNiemann please help confirm) # NIH and/or
>>> and/or UMLS ?
>>> (MarkMusen please help confirm) # UBL ? (PeterYim please help
> confirm) #
>>> OASIS ? (PeterYim please help confirm)
>>> If you see your name in parenthesis against an organization, I need
> your
>>> help and support. Kindly get back to me (hopefully, before the
>>> end of
>>> this
>>> week):
>>> 1. if your organization can be listed as a 'co-sponsor' for UOS. I
>>> need either a "yes" (I hope) or a "no" answer to bring this to
>>> closure.
>>> 2. if the answer is "yes", please provide the exact way you want
>>> your
>>> organization's name worded -- this may possibly be broader or
> narrower
>>> than what we have listed now. (e.g. Mark might want "Stanford
>>> Medical
>>> Informatics" instead of "Stanford University" because the latter
> would
>>> probably take too long to clear, ... etc.)
>>> 3. if there are more institutional support that you can help round
> up,
>>> please help by seeking the same and providing their name. (e.g.
> Nicola
>>> and Mark came back and said we could list the "Applied Ontology"
> journal
>>> as a co-sponsor too, and that's just
>>> wonderful!)
>>> We need as many co-sponsors as we can! Your support will be really
>>> valuable and will be appreciated by all here.
>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>> --
>>> Peter P. Yim wrote Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:33:31 -0800:
>>>> As promoting the use and publicizing "upper ontologies" is one of
> the
>>>> main goals of this Upper Ontology Summit, we are hoping to get as
> many
>>>> organizations to endorse the effort as we can.
>>>> To this end, the UOS Organizing Committee has designated the label
> of
>>>> 'Co-sponsors' for enlisting institutional support. 'Co-sponsors'
>>>> are
>>>> organizations who would provide technical or funding support (which
>>>> all of you are already doing), and/or endorsing the purpose of this
>>>> Upper Ontology Summit effort. No other 'cost' or requirement are
>>>> involved
>>> ...
>>>> other than everyone's good intentions.
>>>> We are hoping we can include all the relevant organizations each
>>>> and
>>>> everyone of us (here on this [uos-convene] list) are directly
> involved
>>>> with to be a co-sponsor.
>>>> I have compiled a draft list as follows (no particular order):
>>>> # NCOR (BarrySmith & MarkMusen)
>>>> # ECOR (WernerCeusters & BarrySmith)
>>>> # MITRE (LeoObrst & PatCassidy)
>>>> # CNR Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies /
>>>> Laboratory
>>>> of Applied Ontology (Trento & Rome) (NicolaGuarino & AldoGangemi) #
>>>> Cycorp (DougLenat) # Aritculate Software (AdamPease) # Shell
>>>> (MatthewWest) # IBM (ChrisWelty) # Boeing (MichaelUschold) #
> Ontology
>>>> Works (BillAndersen) # University of Bremen (JohnBateman) #
> University
>>>> of Toronto (MichaelGruninger) # University of Maryland
>>>> (DagobertSoergel) # Texas A&M University (ChrisMenzel) # University
> at
>>>> Buffalo (BarrySmith) # Stanford University (MarkMusen) # EPA
>>>> (BrandNiemann) # National Center for Biomedical Ontology [cBio]
>>>> (MarkMusen) # IEEE P1600.1 SUO-WG (JimSchoening) # ISO 15926
>>>> Working
>>>> Group (MatthewWest) # ISO 18629 Working Group (MichaelGruninger) #
>>>> DERI ? (DieterFensel) # USC and/or ISI ? (JerryHobbs) # UMBC ?
>>>> (SergeiNirenberg) # NSF ? (MariaZemankova ... please help
>>>> confirm) #
>>>> HITOP (MarcWine ... BrandNiemann please help confirm) # FEA-DRM ?
>>>> (BrandNiemann please help confirm) # NIH and/or NCI and/or UMLS ?
>>>> (MarkMusen please help confirm) # UBL ? (PeterYim please help
> confirm)
>>>> # OASIS ? (PeterYim please help confirm)
>>>> So far, I've got every organization there as a 'candidate' for now,
>>>> and will hope to move them to the 'confirmed' co-sponsor list
> quickly
>>>> ... a latest version of this list will be updated and posted under:
>>>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIOJ
>>>> Also, I have a few names with "?" behind them ... there are some
>>>> dependencies in these cases. Will the people cited with these names
>>>> please help and work on them.
>>>> I would need to know, from everyone:
>>>> 1. if they can't be or don't want to be listed as a 'co-
>>>> sponsor', or
>>>> would need some time to get clearance to do so.
>>>> 2. if they want the co-sponsorship to be worded in a particular
>>>> way,
>>>> say to a broader or narrower organizational designation. (e.g. Mark
>>>> might want "Stanford Medical Informatics" instead of "Stanford
>>> University"
>>>> because the latter would probably take too long to clear, ...
>>>> etc.)
>>>> 3. if there are more institutional support that you can help round
> up,
>>>> please help by seeking the same and providing their name. (e.g.
> Nicola
>>>> and/or Mark may help get the Journal of Applied Ontology as a
>>>> co-sponsor, ... etc.)
>>>> 4. Other comments or suggestions regarding this matter, and more
>>>> broadly on how we can improve on the promotional effort.
>>>> Let's try to hear from everyone by end-of-day Tuesday 2/28 or by
>>>> the
>>>> time of our conference call (which Steve Ray is calling.) We
>>>> need to
>>>> get the list compiled as quickly as we can, so we could incorporate
>>>> them into press releases, etc.
>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>> --
> _________________________________________________________________
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> (05)
Nicola Guarino
Co-Editor in Chief, Applied Ontology (IOS Press)
Head, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR
Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
National Research Council
Via Solteri, 38
I-38100 Trento (06)
phone: +39 0461 828486
secretary: +39 0461 436641
fax: +39 0461 435344
email: guarino@xxxxxxxxxx
web site: http://www.loa-cnr.it (07)
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/uos-convene/
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Community Portal: http://ontolog.cim3.net/
Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/UpperOntologySummit/uos-convene/
Community Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit (08)