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RE: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER

To: "'Upper Ontology Summit convention'" <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Steve Ray" <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 13:27:59 -0500
Message-id: <200603021827.k22IRxI4029514@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Even though we're also listed as co-organizers, why don't you go
ahead and list NIST as a co-sponsor as well. It may turn out to be a who's
who list, and I'd hate to be absent!     (01)

-----Original Message-----
From: uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:uos-convene-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter P. Yim
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 12:36 PM
To: Upper Ontology Summit convention
Subject: Re: [uos-convene] UOS co-sponsorship - NEED ANSWER    (02)

All,    (03)

Further to our uos-conveners telephone conversation today, we agreed that
this 'co-sponsorship' exercise needs everyone to opt-in before we will be
moving them from the "candidate" to the "confirmed" list.    (04)

We also committed to state clearly how we define 'co-sponsors' 
whenever we cite that list. Therefore, let me re-state the definition again,
here:    (05)

   "'Co-sponsors' are organizations who would provide technical or funding
support (which all of you are already doing), and/or endorsing the purpose
of this Upper Ontology Summit effort."    (06)

http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIOJ    (07)

So far, I have the following on the "confirmed" list:    (08)

# the Applied Ontology journal    (KLW)
# Aritculate Software (AdamPease)    (KDL)
# Boeing (MichaelUschold)    (KDO)
# EPISTLE (European Process Industries STEP Technical Liaison 
Executive)    (KLS)
# CIM3 (PeterYim)    (KIX)
# ECOR - European Centre for Ontological Research (NicolaGuarino) 
# IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group - 
http://suo.ieee.org (JimSchoening)    (KDZ)
# NCOR - (US) National Center for Ontological Research 
(BarrySmith & MarkMusen)    (IOY)
# Shell (MatthewWest)    (KDM)
# University of Maryland College of Information Studies 
(DagobertSoergel)    (KDS)    (09)

and I still have the following organizations on the "candidate" list:    (010)

# MITRE (LeoObrst)    (KDI)
# CNR Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies / Laboratory of
Applied Ontology (Trento & Rome) (NicolaGuarino & 
AldoGangemi)    (KDJ)
# Cycorp (DougLenat)    (KDK)
# IBM (ChrisWelty)    (KDN)
# ISO 18629 Working Group (MichaelGruninger)    (KE1)
# Ontology Works (BillAndersen)    (KDP)
# University of Bremen (JohnBateman)    (KDQ)
# University of Toronto (MichaelGruninger)    (KDR)
# Texas A&M University (ChrisMenzel)    (KDT)
# University at Buffalo (BarrySmith)    (KDU)
# Stanford University (MarkMusen)    (KDV)
# EPA (BrandNiemann)    (KDW)
# National Center for Biomedical Ontology [cBio] (MarkMusen)    (KDX)
# DERI ? (DieterFensel .. Leo, please help confirm) # USC and/or ISI ?
(JerryHobbs) # UMBC ? (SergeiNirenberg) # NSF ? (MariaZemankova ... please
help confirm) # HITOP (MarcWine ... BrandNiemann please help confirm) #
FEA-DRM ? (BrandNiemann please help confirm) # NIH and/or NCI and/or UMLS ?
(MarkMusen please help confirm) # UBL ? (PeterYim please help confirm) #
OASIS ?  (PeterYim please help confirm)    (011)

If you see your name in parenthesis against an organization, I need your
help and support. Kindly get back to me (hopefully, before the end of this
week):    (012)

1. if your organization can be listed as a 'co-sponsor' for UOS. 
I need either a "yes" (I hope) or a "no" answer to bring this to closure.    (013)

2. if the answer is "yes", please provide the exact way you want your
organization's name worded -- this may possibly be broader or narrower than
what we have listed now. (e.g. Mark might want "Stanford Medical
Informatics" instead of "Stanford University" 
because the latter would probably take too  long to clear, ... etc.)    (014)

3. if there are more institutional support that you can help round up,
please help by seeking the same and providing their name. (e.g. Nicola and
Mark came back and said we could list the "Applied Ontology" journal as a
co-sponsor too, and that's just
wonderful!)    (015)

We need as many co-sponsors as we can! Your support will be really valuable
and will be appreciated by all here.    (016)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--    (017)

Peter P. Yim wrote Sun, 26 Feb 2006 12:33:31 -0800:
> As promoting the use and publicizing "upper ontologies" is one of the 
> main goals of this Upper Ontology Summit, we are hoping to get as many 
> organizations to endorse the effort as we can.
> To this end, the UOS Organizing Committee has designated the label of 
> 'Co-sponsors' for enlisting institutional support. 'Co-sponsors' are 
> organizations who would provide technical or funding support (which 
> all of you are already doing), and/or endorsing the purpose of this 
> Upper Ontology Summit effort. No other 'cost' or requirement are involved
> other than everyone's good intentions.
> We are hoping we can include all the relevant organizations each and 
> everyone of us (here on this [uos-convene] list) are directly involved 
> with to be a co-sponsor.
> I have compiled a draft list as follows (no particular order):
> # NCOR (BarrySmith & MarkMusen)
> # ECOR (WernerCeusters & BarrySmith)
> # MITRE (LeoObrst & PatCassidy)
> # CNR Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies / Laboratory 
> of Applied Ontology (Trento & Rome) (NicolaGuarino & AldoGangemi) # 
> Cycorp (DougLenat) # Aritculate Software (AdamPease) # Shell 
> (MatthewWest) # IBM (ChrisWelty) # Boeing (MichaelUschold) # Ontology 
> Works (BillAndersen) # University of Bremen (JohnBateman) # University 
> of Toronto (MichaelGruninger) # University of Maryland 
> (DagobertSoergel) # Texas A&M University (ChrisMenzel) # University at 
> Buffalo (BarrySmith) # Stanford University (MarkMusen) # EPA 
> (BrandNiemann) # National Center for Biomedical Ontology [cBio] 
> (MarkMusen) # IEEE P1600.1 SUO-WG (JimSchoening) # ISO 15926 Working 
> Group (MatthewWest) # ISO 18629 Working Group (MichaelGruninger) # 
> DERI ? (DieterFensel) # USC and/or ISI ? (JerryHobbs) # UMBC ? 
> (SergeiNirenberg) # NSF ? (MariaZemankova ... please help confirm) # 
> HITOP (MarcWine ... BrandNiemann please help confirm) # FEA-DRM ? 
> (BrandNiemann please help confirm) # NIH and/or NCI and/or UMLS ? 
> (MarkMusen please help confirm) # UBL ? (PeterYim please help confirm) 
> # OASIS ?  (PeterYim please help confirm)
> So far, I've got every organization there as a 'candidate' for now, 
> and will hope to move them to the 'confirmed' co-sponsor list quickly 
> ... a latest version of this list will be updated and posted under:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIOJ
> Also, I have a few names with "?" behind them ... there are some 
> dependencies in these cases. Will the people cited with these names 
> please help and work on them.
> I would need to know, from everyone:
> 1. if they can't be or don't want to be listed as a 'co-sponsor', or 
> would need some time to get clearance to do so.
> 2. if they want the co-sponsorship to be worded in a particular way, 
> say to a broader or narrower organizational designation. (e.g. Mark 
> might want "Stanford Medical Informatics" instead of "Stanford University"
> because the latter would probably take too  long to clear, ... etc.)
> 3. if there are more institutional support that you can help round up, 
> please help by seeking the same and providing their name. (e.g. Nicola 
> and/or Mark may help get the Journal of Applied Ontology as a 
> co-sponsor, ... etc.)
> 4. Other comments or suggestions regarding this matter, and more 
> broadly on how we can improve on the promotional effort.
> Let's try to hear from everyone by end-of-day Tuesday 2/28 or by the 
> time of our conference call (which Steve Ray is calling.) We need to 
> get the list compiled as quickly as we can, so we could incorporate 
> them into press releases, etc.
> Thanks & regards.  =ppy
> --
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