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Re: [ontology-summit] [strategy] Blank Stares and Semantic Technology: A

To: Ontology Summit 2011 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 20:21:09 -0800 (PST)
Message-id: <818305.65386.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
People who used html  etc are not IT folks, they are more users and publishers who wanted stuff on the internet/  web pages..  They needed to understand some analysis, of stuff ( Information) that they had to work with.   They called it Ontology. Now you have linked data.. that connects all the different data sets; ( which can be objects - a link that points to object on the web).

IT folks have always done Analysis and Design of all the subject matter that they build the systems for... That included process ( Business process flows) Objects and data ( information)  and business rules.    It is not new.   If W3C calls it Ontology, so be it.

In Systems Engineering, the word "Data" is used for actual value within a data field.   For example, if "name" is a data field,  "mary" is the data or the value .  Data Set is referred to list of values for the data field.   These data fields can be database fields or structures within a program.   In Systems Engineering, we do have modularization and packaging.   So all the standardized Ontology is packaged and  is referenced with in a program.  No one goes and redefines everything each time they write a program.  The styles vary according to the programming language.

AI and NL folks claim the same  and use the word Ontology too..

On Web development,  URL and URI blah blah have the same names as data set,  RDF is much simpler than UML, but serves the purpose for linked data..

--- On Tue, 3/8/11, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] [strategy] Blank Stares and Semantic Technology: A Semantic Evangelist's ToolKit
To: ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011, 2:44 PM

On 3/8/2011 1:49 PM, Bart Gajderowicz wrote:
> The point I'm making is that in order to reduce blank stares, promote
> ontologies and increase adoption of semantics, we must
>   - speak our audience's language
>   - promote the semantic technologies they have adopted on mass, even
> if we don't agree with those technologies 100%

I completely agree.

Within any large company, there are always a few "early adopters" who
dabble in new ideas.  Those people have probably heard the phrase
'Semantic Technology' and the word 'ontology'.  But none of the
mainstream applications use such technology.

The people I blame are *not* IT managers.  I put the blame
where it belongs:  on the W3C.  Note slides 21 to 23 of


When the W3C started to talk about the Semantic Web in the late
1990s, nearly every commercial web site was built around a relational
database.  If the W3C had integrated the Semantic Web with RDBs,
the SW would have been the obvious growth path for the future.

Instead, they took the arrogant stance "We are the future,
and RDBs are the past."

I said that attitude was provincial.  The response I got was
"No.  We're not provincial.  We're big."

But just look at the data.  The amount of the world's data that's
stored in RDF is a tiny fraction of 1% of what's on the WWW.

And look at Web companies like Google and Amazon.  Google uses JSON,
and the W3C is scrambling to catch up to what they should have done
in the 1990s.  Meanwhile, Amazon uses SOAP to specify the interfaces
between their RDBs and their customers' RDBs.  They have a huge
influence on how businesses organize and describe their data.


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