Steven, (01)
By structure, I assume that you mean something along the lines of (02)
As I said before, I think it's an interesting hypothesis. I would put
in the same category as the Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis. I'll wait
and see, but I wouldn't bet on it without a lot more evidence. (03)
> you are still thinking about the problem "electronically" (connectionist) (04)
I think about it in as many ways as I have encountered, and I wouldn't
rule out an infinity of other options. But I have more confidence in
some than others, and I frequently quote Whitehead: (05)
> Systems, scientific and philosophic, come and go. Each method of
> limited understanding is at length exhausted. In its prime each
> system is a triumphant success: in its decay it is an obstructive
> nuisance. (06)
I don't know what you mean by "connectionist". But in my negative
remarks about Jeff H, I hope you noticed that artificial neural
networks are a version that I think (a) is useful for a limited
range of applications, but (b) is not on the road to "strong AI"
or even advanced applications of ordinary AI. (07)
As for neuroscience, I believe that there's a continuum from
protozoa (such as paramecia) to bilateral worms around 600 million
years ago, the split between protostomia (insects, molluscs, etc.)
and deuterostomia (vertebrates such as fish and humans). I agree with
many neuroscientists who believe that versions of consciousness are
present at least as early as fish and insects. I doubt that
consciousness is a "problem" that needs any special explanation. (08)
As for strong AI, I really don't know whether digital computers
can ever be intelligent at a human level. But as I said in the
micai.pdf slides, they can do much better than current AI systems. (09)
As for philosophy, I have learned a great deal from both eastern
and western philosophers from antiquity to the present. Following
are two articles that are representative statements: (010)
Signs, processes, and language games (011)
The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning (012)
John (013)
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