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Re: [ontolog-forum] A No-Go Result For Human-Level Machine Intelligence‏

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:22:28 -0500
Message-id: <54A895D4.4090803@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On 1/3/2015 6:45 PM, Steven Ericsson-Zenith wrote:
> As I read this, BTW, it appears to suggest that birds can wash dishes or
> that one may simply train a beaver.  I am sure this is not your intent.    (01)

No.  I was simply observing that higher animals (most mammals and birds,
for example) have more flexibility in perception and action than current
robots.  That kind of flexibility is one of the primary themes that
runs through the talk.    (02)

See, for example, slide 4 (about Laura's language at age 3), slides
9 & 10 (about the quotations by Halmos and Einstein), and the issues
discussed in slides 11 to 15 of http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/micai.pdf    (03)

Slides 16 to 38 discuss the kinds of applications built with the
technology used in VivoMind software.  They illustrate the flexibility
that is possible with current technology and its relationship to the
ideas discussed in the earlier sections.    (04)

I won't claim that technology can solve all the problems discussed in
the first section.  But those methods are already significantly more
flexible than most current AI systems.  And I believe that further
developments, along the lines of the final section (slides 39 to 49),
can make even further improvements.    (05)

I won't claim that they would support the goals of "strong AI" as
described in Slide 3.  But they would give a positive answer to the
question in slide 13:  "Is it possible to develop Watson-like systems
without requiring three dozen PhD researchers?"    (06)

John    (07)

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