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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontological issues relative to privacy.

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John McClure <jmcclure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:19:35 -0800
Message-id: <52DAC5B7.2060105@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Michael,
I have no problem moving some aspects of the discussion about the implications of an architecture on currently funded efforts. But clearly I am proposing an architecture that supports real-time requirements legitimized by any/FISA court orders so we appear to be vigorously agreeing that the (what is it, 5 years?) retention regime currently authorized is absurd and poses much opportunity for evil and criminal activity. You're appearing to hand-wave though, saying let the ISP do it -- okay, how? The 4th Amendment requires personal specificity, not IP specificity, which is all one can get with current Internet architecture (and hence the need to track all activity of all IPs and hence the need for Utah). Privacy as I mentioned fundamentally requires personally identifying one's privacy expectations, just what the 4th is all about, though IANAL but just a lowly architect.

But let's note that privacy expectations must definitely INCLUDE whether I wish to allow Google or anyone else to search my content for keywords. In other words, it would be a crime for Google to index content that I deem private. A punishable crime, as it should be, in my opinion. Frankly this is why I started the thread Is Big Data an invasion of privacy? because actually delivering privacy has profound implications for the private sector as well. The current mechanism, robot.txt, is a complete joke in the context of privacy protections enforced by the rule of law.

On 1/18/2014 9:43 AM, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
Hello John,

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 09:23:45AM -0800, John McClure wrote:
What does the data center being built in Utah portend to you?  Are not 
its disk drives *yet another nuclear arsenal*, a physical infrastructure 
*forever* a source of illegitimate power?
Yes they are.

So please if you 
have an idea for a better architecture that eliminates the need for that 
data center, please suggest.
There is no need for that data center. It should be dismantled right now.

If the state want's to snoop on anyone, they should do it in real time -
without long term data retention. And they should have to go through the ISP,
telephone company, cloud provider, whatever.

Do you think they would stop searching the traffic for keywords or other
general patterns if anonymous communication is made impossible ? Very probably

This part of the thread is quite off topic. Maybe we should move off-list if 
you want to argue some more :-)


Michael Brunnbauer

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